Do you remember these events from the year 1990?

Historical events
Reunification of Germany
Hubble launch into space
The Simpsons
'Ghost' movie release
An acclaimed film
Mandela gets out of prison
World Cup
Mikhail Gorbachev receives Nobel Peace Prize
Mariah Carey: Vision of Love
Sinead O'Connor's hit 'Nothing Compares 2 U'
Ayrton Senna wins Formula 1 for the second time
Microsoft Office
Margaret Thatcher's resignation
Tower of Pisa is closed
The Human Genome Project
Historical events

The year 1990 was transformative for the entire world. Many of its historical and cultural events have had an impact on the present day. Remember them with this gallery!

Reunification of Germany

The Berlin Wall had fallen in 1989, and East and West Germany reunited. In October 1990, the split officially ended, but the cultural process would take years longer.

Hubble launch into space

In April 1990, the Hubble telescope was launched into space. It gave a new perspective on the universe. The telescope provided many informative images and is still in operation.

The Simpsons

America's favorite animated family, 'The Simpsons,' aired for the first time on Fox in 1990. The animated series has continued to air with 34 seasons and more than 700 episodes.

'Ghost' movie release

A film of worldwide success premiered: 'Ghost'. In the cast, Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg. They enchanted the audience with a supernatural love story.

An acclaimed film

The film was nominated for 5 Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Soundtrack.

Mandela gets out of prison

After being incarcerated unfairly for 27 years, African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela was released in February 1990.

World Cup

1990 was also the year of the FIFA world championship. In the final, Maradona's talent was not enough for Argentina to beat Germany and take home the cup.

Mikhail Gorbachev receives Nobel Peace Prize

Mikhail Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in easing relations between East and West at the end of the Cold War.

Mariah Carey: Vision of Love

In the international hits charts, Mariah Carey was the absolute leader with the song: 'Vision of Love'.

Sinead O'Connor's hit 'Nothing Compares 2 U'

The song 'Nothing Compares 2 U' was initially written by Prince for the band The Family. In 1990, Sinéad O'Connor made it popular in several countries by singing the song in her unique style. It topped the Billboard Hot 100.

Ayrton Senna wins Formula 1 for the second time

On October 21, 1990, Ayrton Senna won the Formula 1 world championship for McLaren. In the competition he defeated his biggest rival, Alain Prost.

Microsoft Office

The Windows giant released the Office applications suite in October 1990.

Margaret Thatcher's resignation

The Iron Lady resigned as Prime Minister after nearly 12 years. On November 25, 1990, Margaret Thatcher announced her resignation to the British people.

Tower of Pisa is closed

In January 1990, the Leaning Tower of Pisa was closed to visitors for the first time, due to fears about the safety and stability of the building. It was reopened in December 2001.

Picture: Heidi Kaden / Unsplash

The Human Genome Project

Launched in October 1990, this worldwide scientific research project focused on comprehensively studying the entire DNA pattern (known as the genome) and determining the location of the estimated 100,000 human genes.

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