Epic responses of celebrities to their haters

Epic responses of celebrities to their haters
Ariana Grande: breasts
Pink: bad joke
Pink: purple troll
Justin Bieber: defending Hailey
Justin Bieber: 'You're immature'
Justin Bieber put a 'fan' in his place
Cara Delevingne: Twitter insults
Cara Delevingne: 'Try to do something for the world'
Nicole Richie: in good spirits
Nicole Richie surprises her fans
Selena Gomez: a crossed line
Selena Gomez: 'Educate yourself'
Bella Thorne laughs at her hater
Julia Roberts compared to Joan Crawford
Julia Roberts: a classy response
Blake Lively: they don't like her look
Blake Lively made fun of herself
Kelly Clarkson defends her figure
Millie Bobby Brown: 'Act according to your age'
Millie Bobby Brown: 'Scroll past it'
Zachary Levi: defending his suit
Zachary Levi asks for reflection before speaking
Khloe Kardashian: her love criticized
Khloe Kardashian: 'stay out of my life'
Epic responses of celebrities to their haters

While celebrities usually have great communication with their followers, there are times when, overtaken by some malicious comments, they respond harshly or ironically to their haters. Here is a list of the epic responses celebs have given to those who offended or upset them.

Ariana Grande: breasts

Some time ago, during a Grammy presentation, a boy commented on Ariana Grande's breasts in an ungentlemanly way: "My nine-year-old sister has bigger br eas ts than you." The singer's response was epic: "Do you spend much time looking at your nine-year-old sister's br...sts?"

Pink: bad joke

Pink has also been prey to malicious people. One of her followers made a bad joke about her age: "Wow, Pink looks so old we should call her 'purple' instead of pink." They wrote it under a video that showed the singer watching a 12-year-old girl sing one of her songs during a concert.

Pink: purple troll

On that occasion, the singer said: "Well, there are still people who choose to age naturally. And I've earned every f_ minute of my 38 years of life. By the way, what do you look like? Because I never heard of you until you put my name in your mouth. I should call you little purple troll."

Justin Bieber: defending Hailey

Sick and tired of people attacking his partner, Justin Bieber decided to stop his haters once and for all. He gave an epic answer to a guy who told him that his love for Hailey Baldwin was a lie and that he had only married her to make his ex, Selena Gomez, jealous.

Justin Bieber: 'You're immature'

"You're immature," Bieber responded. "The fact that you have an account dedicated to messing with my wife and me is absolutely absurd. Why would I dedicate my entire life to someone I've married to get my ex back? Anyone who thinks that is soulless or 10 years old or younger, because a logical person doesn't talk and think that way."

Justin Bieber put a 'fan' in his place

And Bieber wasn't done yet. His post continued: "The fact that you want to spend the day hating says a lot about you, and if this is your stupid way of getting my attention you have been wrong on many levels... This is a response to all the sick and immature people who send hurtful messages to Hailey ... YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF MY LIFE or what is good for me... If you don't support me you're not a fan or a good person."

Cara Delevingne: Twitter insults

On one occasion, actress and model Cara Delevingne said she was about to do something incredibly exciting. She meant that she was going to pay a humanitarian visit to women living in a shelter in Uganda. A Twitter user then told her: "I hope you have a real job. You can't live off your eyebrows forever."

Cara Delevingne: 'Try to do something for the world'

Cara got upset and said: "You're going to regret saying that. In fact, I'm trying to do something good. This has nothing to do with my looks. You're just another thirsty man who criticizes people on Twitter for attention and who thinks appearances are all that matters. Try to do something for the world, period! I don't have time for another man who tries to attack a woman for being successful."

Nicole Richie: in good spirits

Entrepreneur and socialite Nicole Richie is known for her good sense of humour. So when a tweeter wrote to her about her new lifestyle, she did not hesitate to reply.

Nicole Richie surprises her fans

The hater said: "Who remembers when Nicole was a f_ addict?" To which Nicole replied, to everyone's surprise: "I do" - along with a hi-five emoji.

Selena Gomez: a crossed line

Selena Gomez took on an Instagram follower who wished cancer on her family. "I don't like having to comment on the things I see here," she said. "But I have to say that I don't take it well that people are disrespectful, especially when they say things like 'I wish your whole family gets cancer.' That's crossing a line...

Selena Gomez: 'Educate yourself'

... and I will tell you something else, the message you have left me about cancer is absurd and shows a total lack of consideration for all the people who have suffered or are suffering the effects of this disease. I'm going to make sure that you don't write on my profile again... You need to educate yourself better and eliminate all that anger you have. A kiss, my dear," Selena concluded.

Bella Thorne laughs at her hater

Bella Thorne was once criticized for not shaving her legs when she attended an American Music Awards ceremony. "Bella is hot, beautiful, s e x y and perfect, but for God's sake, shave your legs," the hater said. The actress replied: "Hahahha never!"

Julia Roberts compared to Joan Crawford

During one edition of the Toronto International Film Festival, someone criticized Julia Roberts. They said her outfit had looked better on the late Joan Crawford, who was "more classic and refined, and Julia wears an ugly black nail polish."

Julia Roberts: a classy response

With her characteristic class and a lot of humor, Julia replied: "In fact, it's a navy blue enamel with maroon crystals... that frames the nail. In case you want to edit your comment and change 'black and ugly nail polish' for 'navy blue with maroon crystals and ugly.'" Fans applauded her classy response.

Blake Lively: they don't like her look

For Blake Lively, humor is an excellent weapon. She used it on a follower who said: "please hire a stylist or fire the one you have right now."

Blake Lively made fun of herself

"Thank you for the advice, sir," she responded. "I've tried to fire 'BlakeLively' on many occasions. But that bi... keeps coming back. She won't leave me alone."

Kelly Clarkson defends her figure

When Kelly Clarkson gained weight after the birth of her daughter, critics were quick to make offensive comments about her figure. She replied on Twitter: "I still look amazing!"

Millie Bobby Brown: 'Act according to your age'

Millie Bobby Brown is a jovial girl, but she once got into a brawl after uploading a photo in which she looked very mature. The then-15-year-old read a lot of comments that said she should "act her age."

Millie Bobby Brown: 'Scroll past it'

The 'Stranger Things' actress was quick to respond. "Everyone in my last pic wants me to 'act my age' but quite frankly it's my Instagram and if I choose to post that picture and you don't like it... scroll past it."

Zachary Levi: defending his suit

When Zachary Levi starred in the film 'Shazam,' his suit was heavily criticized. They basically told him that it was a piece of cra.. His answer: "Why the cr.. suit? Wow! I don't think it's a cr.. suit. I think it's the bomb."

Zachary Levi asks for reflection before speaking

"I think you're very insecure," Levi continued. "You're probably dealing with some things in your life and you're feeling a little helpless... But you should wait a second and think about why you're so negative, then look at the suit again and say 'actually, you know what? They're trying so hard to do something amazing and that makes a lot of people happy.'" A bona fide pep talk by Zachary Levi.

Khloe Kardashian: her love criticized

When Khloe Kardashian reconciled long ago with Tristan Thompson (from whom she later separated again), she got a lot of criticism. People said that everyone knew Thompson had been unfaithful and that she should not get involved with him.

Khloe Kardashian: 'stay out of my life'

The socialite was very upset that people were meddling in her life. "Misery loves company," she said on Twitter. "Some people can't bear to see others happy and blooming. It seems that many only find comfort in people's stumbles instead of rejoicing in their successes. It's very sad."

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