Exercises to deflate the belly

Do you often have a swollen belly?
The causes of swelling
Avoid certain foods
Exercises to deflate the belly
Balasana, the child's pose
Balasana, the child's pose
Leg stretches
Legs to the wall
Use a pillow so your back is comfortable
Sequence of the cat and the cow
How to do the Sequence of the cat and the cow
Sequence of the cat and the cow
Lord of the Fishes twist
How to do the Lord of the Fishes twist
Lord of the Fishes twist
The bridge
How to do The bridge
The bridge
Torso twists on the floor
How to do torso twists on the floor
These are good exercises to deflate the belly
Do you often have a swollen belly?

If you often experience abdominal swelling, just know that you are not alone! It is a condition that affects many people, and it can depend on various factors.

The causes of swelling

In most cases, the main cause of these swellings is the type of diet you're following. Furthermore, eating very quickly could lead to this unpleasant and annoying condition.

Avoid certain foods

In this regard, John Hopkins Medicine of Baltimore (USA) on its website recommends avoiding the intake of certain foods, such as those that contain oligosaccharides (garlic, onions, or legumes, for example), disaccharides (milk or yogurt), monosaccharides (including fructose, a type of sugar found in fruit and honey) and polyols (such as apricots, prunes and cauliflower, not counting candy and chewing gum).

Image: Public Domain Pictures / Pixabay

Exercises to deflate the belly

Some stretching exercises that will only take a few minutes a day can also help fight abdominal swelling. Quite an advantage!

Photo: Viktoriasbalance / Pixabay

Balasana, the child's pose

With this asana (Balasana, or child's pose) you can use the weight and heat of your body to massage your stomach and intestines.

Balasana, the child's pose

Here's how to do it correctly: kneel on the floor resting your buttocks on your heels, with your torso forward and your arms extended on the floor. The forehead, on the other hand, must be placed on the floor surface or, alternatively, on a cushion. Hold this position for five breaths.

Photo: Sofie Zbořilová / Pixabay

Leg stretches

This type of pose promotes blood flow and stimulates digestion, so it's another great exercise to deflate your belly.

Legs to the wall

To perform it, all you need is a free wall where you can rest your legs stretched out, trying to bring your butt as close to the wall as possible. Your feet should be flexed and your arms at your sides or in a comfortable position.

Use a pillow so your back is comfortable

If your back doesn't feel comfortable, help yourself with extra support, such as a pillow, for example. Remain in this position for at least a couple of minutes and then lengthen the times with subsequent sessions.

Picture: EJ Li / Unsplash

Sequence of the cat and the cow

This exercise allows you to perform long breathing alternating with stretching and compressions in order to soothe stomach pains and promote digestion.

How to do the Sequence of the cat and the cow

With your hands and knees flat on the floor aligned with your shoulders and hips, keep your back parallel to the floor. From this position, you will have to inspire by opening the chest and looking upwards (cow position).

Sequence of the cat and the cow

On the other hand, exhaling with your back you will form a hump: space will thus be created between the shoulder blades and the navel will be pulled inwards (cat position).

Lord of the Fishes twist

This exercise, included among the yoga poses, allows you to gently compress and twist your belly, massaging all the digestive organs. It also promotes circulation.

Photo: NatureFriend / Pixabay

How to do the Lord of the Fishes twist

To perform it correctly you will have to sit on the floor with your legs extended and bend your right leg over the left leg. Your right heel should be as close to your body as possible.

Lord of the Fishes twist

With a small rotation of the torso, extend the arm and bring the right elbow outside the left knee, the left hand behind the pelvis, and the head to the left. Repeat the same exercise on the other side.

The bridge

Among the exercises to deflate the belly, there is also the position of the bridge. It's easy to do and only takes a few minutes.

How to do The bridge

Lying on the ground in a supine position, you will have to bring your arms tightly to the floor, bring your feet closer to your pelvis and lift your buttocks.

The bridge

To do this you will have to push your pelvis upwards without taking your heels off the floor and without arching your back. Once you reach the highest point, hold it for a few seconds.

Torso twists on the floor

These twists performed on the floor stretch the stomach, creating more space, as well as massage the internal organs.

How to do torso twists on the floor

Lie flat on the floor in a 'T' shape, stretching your arms out to the side. Bring the right leg over the left, aligning the right knee with the hips. Chest and shoulders should be in line with the floor, but without straining. Repeat on both sides.

These are good exercises to deflate the belly

Did you already know these exercises? These are simple positions to perform, some of which are very common in yoga, which will allow you to deflate your belly without taking up a lot of your time.

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