Three difficult tests to win Helena Bonham Carter's heart

Helena is so 'eccentrically majestic'
She embraces being different in all aspects
And she sure does revel in it
Helena has a relationship test for potential suitors
Helena has no time or energy to waste on failed love
So let's get started: Test #1
The chart reading is analyzed by a professional
Test #2 and Test #3
Helena says she uses her
There is never any guarantee in love
Her relationship with Kenneth Brannagh didn't last forever
Would Tim Burton have passed her test?
They did spend 13 years together as a couple
What test would Burton have failed?
She has maintained a good relationship with Burton
Helena has been sharing her life with a writer since 2018
Helena is so 'eccentrically majestic'

Helena Bonham Carter is a living legend in Hollywood and an actress who has earned a reputation for having a personality that can only be described as, 'eccentrically majestic.'

She embraces being different in all aspects

From her portrayals of Bellatrix Lestrange in 'Harry Potter,' to the Red Queen in 'Alice in Wonderland,' her roles and looks on the red carpet have set her apart from the ordinary, as she embraces the unordinary, in all aspects.

And she sure does revel in it

And no one seems happier about being different than Helena, herself. And from a brand perspective, it's quite genius as her distinct image sets her apart from a significant majority of actresses of her same generation.

Helena has a relationship test for potential suitors

In fact, in case anyone doubts that the British actress doesn't adore her bizarre side, just ask her about the test she administers to potential partners before embarking into a romantic relationship with them. It's a three-part test, pencils ready!

Helena has no time or energy to waste on failed love

The 'Mirror' has published the test, and the reason why Helena gives it, saying it is because she is not willing to waste time or energy in a relationship that she knows, from the start, isn't going anywhere. So unless the test is initially passed, she's not investing herself in it.

So let's get started: Test #1

So let's get started! Test #1: A chart reading that allows, from a writing sample and signature, the in-depth breakdown of their personality, attitudes and temperament.

The chart reading is analyzed by a professional

It goes without saying that the chart reading is analyzed by a professional. And to keep it fair, Helena has her own reading done as well. Relationships are a two-way street, after all.

Test #2 and Test #3

Ok, now for Tests #2 and 3. The second and third tests will be comprised of two committees of experts, chosen by Helena and with whom she trusts wholly. They will perform interviews with the potential suitor, and it will be in these tests that these committees will make or break the future relationship.

Helena says she uses her "aunts and the nannies" for help

Helena has said in interviews about the process, "I consult potential couples with my chart readings, my aunts and mt nannies, it can be read about in The 'Mirror."

There is never any guarantee in love

Obviously, her method doesn't guarantee success in love, but then again, nothing does, so who knows?

Her relationship with Kenneth Brannagh didn't last forever

The London actress had a relationship with Kenneth Brannagh, from 1994 to 1999, although it began when the filmmaker was still married to Emma Thompson, so the omens weren't the best.

Would Tim Burton have passed her test?

Two years later, she would begin her most well-known relationship, with famed director Tim Burton, whom she met on the set of 'Planet of the Apes' in 2001.

They did spend 13 years together as a couple

They did seem entirely made for each other, like out of Tim Burton's gothic universe. In fact, they collaborated on three movies together: 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,' 'Sweeney Todd' and 'Alice in Wonderland.' The couple had two children together, Billy Ray and Nell, but their relationship ended in 2014.

What test would Burton have failed?

It seems obvious that Tim Burton would have passed at least two of the three tests that Helena Bonham Carter gives her partners. But which one would he have failed? The aunts, perhaps?

She has maintained a good relationship with Burton

Of course, the couple has maintained a good relationship, so much so that they live in connected houses in Belsize Park, in the north of London, reports the 'Mirror.'

Helena has been sharing her life with a writer since 2018

Since 2018, Helena Bonham Carter has been in a relationship with writer Rye Dag Holmboe. They have a 21 years age gap, him being younger, but for now, he seems to have passed the 'Bonham Carter Test' with flying colors.

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