Kellogg's drinkable brunch: genius or abomination?

The USA is home to some weird food ideas
If you've always dreamed of drinking your brunch now's your chance!
Eggo Brunch in a Jar Sippin' Cream
Waffles, syrup, and bacon cocktail
For big kids only
Brunch just wouldn't be complete without a boozy drink
The perfect drink for parents who have acquired a taste for toaster waffles?
Eggo Nog anyone?
Would you try it?
The USA is home to some weird food ideas

Food companies in the United States have come up with some pretty wacky ideas over the years, but this latest idea from Kellogg's might be among the strangest!

Photo: Instagram@eggo_us

If you've always dreamed of drinking your brunch now's your chance!

Have you ever had the wild idea of turning your breakfast into a boozy sippable bonanza? Well, hold onto your syrup bottles because now you can!

Eggo Brunch in a Jar Sippin' Cream

Kellogg's Eggo and the Sugarlands Distilling Company have teamed up to unleash a wave of waffle-inspired wackiness with their latest creation: Eggo Brunch in a Jar Sippin' Cream. Which the company claims in their press release is a "Delicious liqueur made to punch up brunch."

Photo: promotional photo from Kellogg's

"A rich and creamy liqueur""

This liquid marvel, born from the brilliant minds of the breakfast and booze industry, is being hailed as "a "rich and creamy liqueur."

Photo: instagram@junkpickers

Waffles, syrup, and bacon cocktail

Kellogg's has attempted to capture the golden crunch of toasted Eggo waffles, a dollop of buttery goodness, a river of maple syrup, and a cheeky wink from smoky bacon, all swirling together in a cup that's practically begging for a tiny umbrella...or perhaps a tiny waffle.

For big kids only

Now, before you get any grand ideas about inviting the neighbourhood kiddos to try out this waffle-flavoured wonderland, remember – this bizarre invention is strictly for the big kids.

Photo: Kellogg's

Brunch just wouldn't be complete without a boozy drink

The Sugarlands Distilling Company based in Tennessee are the mad scientists behind this adult concoction. This unusual drink has 20% alcohol in it because what bunch is complete without a boozy mid-morning treat?

The perfect drink for parents who have acquired a taste for toaster waffles?

Kellogg's is trying to market this drink to stressed-out parents of kids who are looking to unwind...and have developed a taste for toaster waffles like Eggo as well.

"A feel-good Eggo-inspired liqueur" to "punch up a weekend"

 In the press release for Eggo Brunch in a Jar Sippin' Cream, Joe Beauprez, Senior Director of Marketing for Frozen Foods, said,  "Eggo Brunch in a Jar makes it easy for parents to kick back when they're not caring for their little ones. So, whether parents want to punch up a weekend brunch or savor some of those classic brunch flavors during their downtime, this feel-good Eggo-inspired liqueur is the perfect treat."

Photo: Instagram@triciarnyc

Eggo Nog anyone?

This isn't the first time Kellogg's has attempted to make an adult drink with an Eggo waffles twist. Last December, the brand launched Eggo Nog for the holiday season. The rum-spiked drink saw moderate success, so Eggo decided to give it another go with a drinkable, alcoholic brunch.

Photo: Kellogg's

Would you try it?

So, there you have it, folks. The breakfast table just got a whole lot more exciting...or disgusting, depending on your stance! What do you think? Will this be a delicious treat or an abomination? Would you try Eggo Brunch in a Jar Sippin' Cream?

Photo: Kellogg's

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