'Napoleon' is here - Ridley Scott's answer to superhero movies

A biopic by Ridley Scott
Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon
A first-rate casting
The meteoric rise of an ambitious man
His marriage to Joséphine de Beauharnais
His wife was very important
Historic moments
Impressive reconstructions
A fascinating character
An old-fashioned answer to superhero movies
Napoleon's Achilles heel
Historical inaccuracies
Overall, though, support for the British director
An anti-French film?
The annoyance of Ridley Scott
Critics are divided about the movie
Impressive war scenes
Or a heavy-handed biopic?
A worldwide release on Apple TV
What do you think about the new Napoleon?
A biopic by Ridley Scott

'Napoleon', the biopic by Ridley Scott on the famous French emperor, was released in theaters across the world on November 22, 2023.

Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon

And who other than Joaquin Phoenix could play the difficult role of Napoleon? More than 20 years after they worked together on 'Gladiator', the actor (49) and the director, almost 86 years old, came together for a new historical piece.

A first-rate casting

The cast is completed by first-rate actresses and actors, such as Vanessa Kirby in the role of Joséphine de Beauharnais, Tahar Rahim to play Paul Barras, and Ben Miles to play Armand de Caulaincourt.

The meteoric rise of an ambitious man

The film mainly focuses on the meteoric rise of the ambitious Bonaparte, a brilliant officer who climbed all the ranks of power in just a few years.

His marriage to Joséphine de Beauharnais

This biopic also focuses on Napoleon's first marriage to Joséphine de Beauharnais, allowing us to discover this iconic figure in a more intimate light.

His wife was very important

As Napoleon specialist David Chanteranne said on the French 'Europe 1': "Joséphine is essential to understanding Napoleon's meteoric rise," because she allows him to "enter the circles of power" and because she " knows all the codes of both this Directory but also of the Ancien Regime."

Historic moments

The feature film recounts the strongest moments of the Napoleonic epic, from the siege of Toulon in 1793 to the final defeat at Waterloo, including the Battle of Austerlitz.

Impressive reconstructions

As 'Europe 1' reports, the battle reconstructions are impressive, especially that of Austerlitz, where we see "the Austrian and Russian armies drowning in a frozen lake shelled by French artillery."

Image: 'Napoleon' (2023)

A fascinating character

Interviewed by 'France Info', Ridley Scott said Napoleon was a fascinating character. He was, at the same time, a "leader, diplomat, warrior, politician, bureaucrat, and of course, inevitably, a dictator." Historians estimate that Napoleon's battles caused the deaths of two million soldiers and many civilians.

An old-fashioned answer to superhero movies

The filmmaker told 'Europe 1' that he wanted to make "an epic and historical film…" which may be "a little 'old-fashioned'," he said. His comment about 'old-fashioned films' was a soft punch in the direction of the big, popular superhero productions which he considers 'quite stupid'.

Napoleon's Achilles heel

Ridley Scott did not aim to make a documentary film, but rather a fictional drama in which Joséphine gets a lot of attention. She was the 'Achilles heel' of Napoleon, Scott said.

Historical inaccuracies

Yet, the director received a lot of criticism because of the film's historical inaccuracies. They occur in his depiction of the battles or in the presence of Napoleon at events that he did not actually attend.

Overall, though, support for the British director

In general, however, Scott received support. Quoted by '20 Minutes', the chief curator of heritage at the Army Museum, Émilie Robbe, emphasized that it is most of all a movie and that Scott logically "compiled certain events so that the plot is more fluid."

An anti-French film?

His colleague Grégory Spourdos also contested criticism that the movie would be anti-French. "I was actually surprised that a British filmmaker would elevate Napoleon to this extent," he told 20 Minutes, pointing out that the Duke of Wellington looks "much more unsympathetic" than Napoleon in the film.

The annoyance of Ridley Scott

Annoyed by criticism of the historical accuracy of his film, Ridley Scott retorted on BBC News that "the French don't like themselves."

"Let him buy himself a life"

After the British historian Dan Snow had commented negatively about the film, Ridley Scott said in the New Yorker: "Let him buy himself a life."

Critics are divided about the movie

French press reviews are very divided on the biopic, with an average of 2.9 stars out of 5 (out of a total of 11 reviews), as of November 21, 2023.

Impressive war scenes

Elle magazine praised it as a "great show with flamboyant aesthetics", while 'Public' spoke of the "impressive war scenes" which "make us forget the historical inaccuracies."

Or a heavy-handed biopic?

Other reviewers were less enthused, like 'Télérama' which saw the film as a "heavy biopic," and 'Le Figaro' which deplored that it gave "a reductive vision of history".

A worldwide release on Apple TV

The film will be released worldwide on Apple TV at the end of 2023. The channel participated in the production of the blockbuster.

What do you think about the new Napoleon?

Will this 'Napoleon' in the guise of Joaquin Phoenix live up to the public’s expectations? Curious viewers can give their opinion this week!

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