Paris Hilton slammed for vacation on Maui after deadly wildfires

Paris Hilton frolics with family at resort 30 miles from wildfire devastated town
Defying authorities' pleas for tourists to stay away
That's hot?!
Stevie Nicks also got flack for her Instagram post on the fires
The response:
Oprah, a huge landowner in Maui, also got involved
The reaction: A publicity stunt? Give back the land!
Jason Momoa:
Paris Hilton frolics with family at resort 30 miles from wildfire devastated town

The hotel heiress and pop culture star began her holidays at the Maui resort town of Wailea, the same day after devastating wildfires killed more than 100 people in Lahaina — a city just 30 miles north of where she's frolicking with her family. When she arrived on Aug. 8, a smaller fire was still burning just five miles away, according to the Daily Mail.

Defying authorities' pleas for tourists to stay away

Hilton defied Hawaiin authorities' early pleas for tourists to stay away from the island or go home so resources could be used for the emergency response and to shelter locals. Perhaps trying to stay under the radar, she didn't post anything on Instagram. But the Daily Mail published photos of Hilton, her husband, and new child enjoying themselves on the Maui beach five days after she landed.

That's hot?!

Hilton's apparently "tone-deaf" holidays drew the ire of local Maui residents, still shocked from having gone through the deadliest fire incident in the US in over a century. "Paris Hilton heard about the Maui wildfire devastation and said 'That's hot,'" quipped one Twitter user, while another berated her for "expecting" locals to serve her drinks while she frolics in front of them.

Stevie Nicks also got flack for her Instagram post on the fires

Maui is a beloved holiday destination for celebrities of all strikes, and the Fleetwood Mac singer also got involved. She posted a long Instagram message about how her niece was staying in Nicks' home near Lahaina and managed to escape the flames.

Image: stevienicks/Instagram

The response: "Self-centered" and "disappointing"

Dozens of Instagram users were outraged by her comment, saying she was complaining about her niece's vacation being ruined while thousands of people lost their homes and so many were killed. Others defended Nicks for just sharing a story about how the fires affected her.

Oprah, a huge landowner in Maui, also got involved

Oprah Winfrey, who owns more than 1,000 acres of land on Maui, also waded into controversy over her appearance. Originally, it was reported that she was denied entry into a temporary shelter she was volunteering in because she tried to bring a TV crew in with her. Later Maui officials thanked her for "understanding of our policy of having no camera crews or reporters accompanying dignitaries and celebrities in our emergency shelters."

Image: BBC, Oprah Winfrey hands out supplies after Hawaii wildfires

The reaction: A publicity stunt? Give back the land!

Social media users criticized Oprah for trying to bring in camera crews as part of a publicity stunt. Others said if Oprah really wanted to help, she could donate some of her land. "Are you planning to open up your nearly 1000 acre farm to the locals who just lost their homes right next door? The land you own was STOLEN from the native people, do your part to give back & make reparations for the exploitation of Hawaiian land and locals," said one Instagram user.

Jason Momoa: "Do not convince yourself that your presence is needed"

Meanwhile, one celebrity who isn't getting hate around the wildfires is Hawaii-
native Jason Momoa. "Maui is not the place to have your vacation right now. DO NOT TRAVEL TO MAUI. Do not convince yourself that your presence is needed on an island that is suffering this deeply. Mahalo to everyone who has donated and shown aloha to the community in this time of need," he reposted on Instagram.

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