The strangest hobbies in the world

The most curious hobbies in the world
Extreme Ironing
Dog grooming
Soap carving
Spider hunting
Toy Voyaging
Hunt for famous graves
Thumb wrestling
Underwater hockey
Insect Fight Club
News bombing
The most curious hobbies in the world

If collectors of butterflies or stamps seemed eccentric to you, then wait till you see the following list of curious and bizarre hobbies. It will blow your mind!

Extreme Ironing

Ironing doesn't have to be boring! Discover your new hobby: ironing under extreme conditions. This guy in the photo is, in fact, competing in a world championship of Extreme Ironing. It consists of five disciplines, including forest, urban, free-style, and rocky, with around ten countries taking part, Getty reports.


If, on the other hand, you want to relax a bit, get inspired by Dorodango, an art of Japanese origin that means "making the mud shine." The goal is to create shiny spheres by moving water and mud with your hands.

Photo: Asturio Cantabrio / Wikimedia

Dog grooming

Another strange hobby is dog grooming. To many people, it's an obsession to combine the care for their four-legged friends with the creation of eccentric hairstyles. Many countries have contests for the most glamorous hairstyle.

Soap carving

A very fascinating hobby,  born in Thailand, is soap carving and sculpting. The results are real works of art, like the ones in the photo.

Spider hunting

Also in Thai culture, we have here another (bizarre) hobby: spider hunting. Yes, it seems that there are people who are so obsessed with spiders that they spend their free time chasing them.

Toy Voyaging

Among the strangest hobbies in the world, Toy Voyaging undoubtedly reaches a top position. Have you ever thought about sending a toy on vacation? Well, it seems that there are many people in the world who enjoy this hobby.


More than a hobby or a household trick, couponing can become a real obsession. Many people have gotten carried away by discount vouchers and gift coupons, collecting and exchanging them for rebates and free goods. In the United States, there is even a TV program devoted to couponing.


On the list of the weirdest hobbies, this could be number one: Mooing. You got it right, some people come together to imitate the mooing sound of this peaceful animal. There are also mooing tournaments in the United States.

Hunt for famous graves

In case you were unable to meet them alive, at least you can meet them dead. Hunting for the graves of celebrities is another extravagant hobby. This photo shows the tomb of Marilyn Monroe.


Are you a lover of circus arts or yoga? Then acroyoga is the right hobby for you! It is certainly a very relaxing pastime to be practiced outdoors.

Photo: Ruslan Zh / Unsplash

Thumb wrestling

Do you want a sports activity that does not involve extreme effort? Then thumb wrestling is the right hobby for you! It may seem incredible, but there is even an international federation with extensive rules for the game.

Photo: Al Nik / Unsplash


Nowadays, decluttering is a useful, highly appreciated, and globally pursued hobby: it consists in getting rid of all the superfluous objects that go around the house, without thinking too much as you select them for the garbage. It is certainly an extremely liberating pastime.

Underwater hockey

Hockey used to be a sport on ice or on the field, but nowadays, there are people who take the game underwater. It's a complete hobby with fins and a mask to practice it in apnea.

Image: Sebastian Pena Lambarri / Unsplash



Did you like playing treasure hunt as a child? Well, thanks to modern technologies, now you can do it as an adult with your smartphone. It's called Geocaching and you can participate by consulting the official website

Insect Fight Club

Animal activists will not appreciate it, but a very strange and often practiced hobby is the organization of fights between insects. People make small bets on possible winners, and 'have fun' seeing how they fight each other.

Image: Guillaume de Germain / Unsplash

News bombing

Sneaking into the frame behind the reporter during live TV news:  It's a hobby. Check 'News bombing' on YouTube if you don't believe it.

Photo: Freddy Kearney / Unsplash


Among the most absurd hobbies in the world, we have to mention zorbing: rolling down a hill inside a giant inflated plastic ball. Do you want to try it?

Photo: Pixabay

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