Princess Diana's final words: what lead to that moment during her last 24 hours?

What led up to Diana's final moments?
One of the most inspiring people of the 20th century
This is what the last 24 hours of her life were like
A long-awaited divorce
Family holidays
From Saint-Tropez to Paris
Rebuilding her life
Most wanted celebrity
We will never know
24 hours before the accident
Appointment with a jeweler
Paparazzi disrupted their plans
8 hours before the accident
Stylists and jewelers
The last phone call
The reunion that would never happen
5 hours before the accident
Impossible to find privacy
1 hour before the accident
A plan with many cracks
Paparazzi, speed and alcohol: a fateful mix
Three times the allowed drinking limit
00:20 a.m: the accident
Dodi and Henri died instantly
More press
The doctor who kept her alive
The wreckage
More and more complications
Fatal injuries
04:00 hours: the final good-bye
Millions of people bid her farewell
A happy day that turned into the last day
The world remembers
What led up to Diana's final moments?

The 'people's Princess', Diana Spencer, later Diana Princess of Wales died tragically and suddenly now 27 years ago on August 31. There has been mystery shrouding her death for all of these years with inquests into the press, the driver and even conspiracies that suggest her death was planned. It seems there may never be answers but we can continue to digest and analyse what happened in her fateful last 24 hours on this Earth... so what happened?

One of the most inspiring people of the 20th century

The Princess of Wales was only 36 years old. And, despite her youth, Diana left a legacy that, to this day, still endures. The persona of Princess Diana actually seemed to overshadow Queen Elizabeth herself. She was a woman with a completely opposite profile to the monarch. For this reason (and much more) her brutal accident was a shock for people around the world and the people mourned the death of a public figure as never before.

This is what the last 24 hours of her life were like

The question is, how did Diana of Wales live the last 24 hours of her life? Surgeon MonSef Dahman, who attended the princess in the Parisian hospital where she died, has spoken to Daily Mail but did not really offer any relevant details. The 56-year-old doctor, who now lives on the French Riviera, limited himself to deny any conspiracy theory and affirm that everything possible was done to save Diana Spencer's life.

But what happened before that moment in the hospital?

A long-awaited divorce

In the summer of 1997, Lady Diana had been legally divorced from Prince Charles for a year. Despite this, the couple had already been living independently for more than four years. The separation caused a huge amount of stress to Diana with constant paparazzi hounding her as she was trying to rebuild her life and regain the normality that would allow her to continue her good deeds and her life as a woman, public figure and mother.

Family holidays

A few weeks before traveling to Paris, Princess Diana had enjoyed a few days with her sons, William and Harry, in the beautifully crystal clear waters of Saint-Tropez (France). The two heirs were 15 and 12 years old, respectively.

From Saint-Tropez to Paris

After leaving their mother in France, William and Harry went to the Queen's summer home in Balmoral (Scotland), where Prince Charles was waiting for them. Meanwhile, Diana of Wales stayed in France, spending a few days on Dodi Al-Fayed's yacht.

Rebuilding her life

Dodi Al-Fayed was a wealthy Egyptian businessman with whom Diana had an affair, although they tried to keep it a secret relationship. Dodi was the son of billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed.

Most wanted celebrity

Everything has been written about Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed's relationship. From head-over-heels in love to a simple affair that happened to allow them both to forget another previous love. Of course, there was also talk of a possible wedding, even speculation of a pregnancy.

We will never know

The truth of their relationship was lost forever on that fateful August day in 1997.

24 hours before the accident

A day before the accident, on August 30, 1997, Diana of Wales and Dodi Al-Fayed had parked the yacht in the south coast of France and took a plane to Paris.

Appointment with a jeweler

If we take a look at Dodi Al-Fayed's agenda, there had only been one appointment on that penultimate day of August 1997: to look for an engagement ring to propose to his beloved. Where did he have that appointment? A trusted jewellery store, located near the Ritz Paris Hotel, owned by Mohamed Al-Fayed.

Paparazzi disrupted their plans

But plans went awry upon arrival in Paris, when they were greeted at the airport by a group of photo-hungry and, according to eyewitnesses, quite aggressive paparazzi.

8 hours before the accident

It was 4:00 p.m. on August 30, 1997, when the couple arrived at the Ritz Hotel and went upstairs to rest in the Imperial Suite.

Photo: Coco Chanel Suite at The Ritz, Paris

Stylists and jewelers

After a brief step away from the glare of cameras, the couple parted ways. Diana had arranged to meet a stylist, while Dodi Al-Fayed took advantage of the moment to go shopping for the famous ring.

The last phone call

Diana took advantage of her short time alone to call her sons. William and Harry were still in Scotland. When their mother called them, they were playing and did not want to talk too much with her.

As both confessed later, they have regretted this lack of attention and probably will for the rest of their lives. But of course, the young boys didn't know what was going to happen just a few hours later.

The reunion that would never happen

In fact, the following day, Diana was scheduled to fly to London and spend a few days with them before the school year began.

5 hours before the accident

At 7:00 pm, the couple met again and went together to Dodi Al-Fayed's apartment. They washed up, changed clothes and went out for dinner at one of the most exclusive restaurants in the French capital. Or at least, that was the plan. The presence of paparazzi was so overwhelming that they decided to change plans and return to the Ritz Hotel, looking for some privacy to eat and to pop the big question which, according to the news stories, was going to happen that night.

Impossible to find privacy

They didn't make it. Why, you ask? Well, the hotel restaurant was full of customers who couldn't take their eyes off the press's most wanted couple. Diana simply wanted to be a normal person dining with their partner at the next table. When that appeared impossible, they took their food to the Imperial Suite.

1 hour before the accident

Dodi Al-Fayed did not want his marriage proposal to be in the Imperial Suite of the Ritz Hotel but at his apartment. Yet, the paparazzi were not going to let them leave quietly. At that moment, Henri Paul, the hotel's head of security, appeared and came up with an escape plan for the couple.

A plan with many cracks

Dodi Al-Fayed's chauffeur would drive his car out the front door of the hotel, while Henri Paul would drive out the back exit of the hotel and pick up Diana, Dodi Al-Fayed and his bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones.

Paparazzi, speed and alcohol: a fateful mix

There were two serious problems with the plan. First, at the back of the hotel there were paparazzi too. Second, and on a much more serious note, Henri Paul had been drinking - as the investigation report would later state.

Three times the allowed drinking limit

A video, recovered from the hotel, showed the head of security at a bar, just minutes before taking the car to pick up Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed. The autopsy of the driver, who also deceased in the accident, would reveal that his blood alcohol level was 1.75. It's not permitted to drive in France with a level over 0.5. Henri Paul's blood alcohol level corresponded to four glasses of whiskey or 10 glasses of wine.

00:20 a.m: the accident

These were not the best conditions for a driver who suddenly found himself involved in a fierce paparazzi chase. It was 00:20 hours on August 31, 2021 when everything suddenly happened very fast. As they speeded through the Pont de l'Alma tunnel, the car in which Diana of Wales, Dodi Al-Fayed, Trevor Rees-Jones and Henri Paul travelled, crashed into a column.

Dodi and Henri died instantly

Dodi Al-Fayed and Henri Paul lost their lives instantly. The bodyguard's face was disfigured but he remained alive. Meanwhile, Diana was seriously injured but conscious at all times. In fact, witnesses to the accident claim that she kept saying: "God, it hurts. It hurts."

More press

These same witnesses then decided to take pictures instead of helping the injured. It must be added though, that many of those present at the time said that Diana was trapped in the car with her legs. In order to help her, they needed to wait for firemen and an ambulance that took 15 minutes to arrive.

The doctor who kept her alive

While they waited for help to arrive, Frédéric Maillez, a doctor who saw the accident, was able to treat Diana and keep her alive, with the few resources he had at hand.

The wreckage

As the firefighters pulled the Princess from the wreckage, Xavier Gourmelon, one of those assisting, head Diana say 'My God, what's happened?' Later, as reported by the Independent, it would turn out these were likely Diana's final four words.

More and more complications

The transfer of Diana to the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital was not easy. The hospital was quite far from the area of the accident. In addition, the ambulance had to stop just a few meters from the hospital, because Diana's blood pressure began to drop dangerously low.

Fatal injuries

Once in the hospital, the doctors decided to perform an emergency operation on Diana. The most serious aspect of her condition, as reflected in the autopsy, was that the impact of the accident had displaced her heart from the left to the right side of her chest, tearing the pulmonary artery and the pericardium.

04:00 hours: the final good-bye

Despite the best efforts of medical personnel, who tried to revive her for more than an hour, Diana was officially declared dead at 04:00am on August 31, 1997.

Millions of people bid her farewell

Diana's remains were taken to London by her family and Prince Charles. The people's Princess's funeral, broadcast live, was watched by millions around the world.

A happy day that turned into the last day

And so it was that the last 24 hours of Diana's life, which could have been the Princess' happiest in a long time, became the most fateful. A young mother of 36 saw her life cut short in the most tragic way perceivable.

The world remembers

Every year, the world remembers the royal, the young woman and the mother who was taken too soon. Many can pay her respects by visiting the memorial fountain opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 2004 in Hyde Park; paying homage to her as mother of the future King, William, at the statue or her and her sons at Kensington Palace; or even taking the Princess Diana seven-mile Memorial Walk through some of her most meaningful locations.


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