Princess Anne suffering memory loss after horse incident

Memory loss from impact
Recovering from horse-related injury
Public statement from Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence
'Kind messages'
An incident at her home
Minor injuries and concussion
Her home: Gatcombe Park Residence
Injuries in line with that of a horse incident
The Princess Royal and horses
At hospital in Bristol, UK
A full and swift recovery
Best wishes for Princess Anne
'She'll be out when she's ready'
Memory loss from impact

People reports Princess Anne is suffering memory loss after her horse injury. Her injuries are consistent with a potential impact from a horse's head or legs, according to the news outlet.

Recovering from horse-related injury

King Charles' sister has spent 2 nights at the hospital. Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence commented on his wife's health: "She is recovering well, thank you."

Public statement from Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence

"We are both profoundly grateful to the medical team and hospital support staff for their expert care — and to the emergency services who were all so wonderful at the scene," he said according to People.

'Kind messages'
An incident at her home

The Princess Royal suffered ‘minor injuries’ after an incident at home on Sunday evening, Buckingham Palace confirmed.

Minor injuries and concussion

The statement released by the royal-uk webpage on Monday June 24 explained that Princess Anne had also suffered ‘concussion’ from the event that took place the evening before.

Her home: Gatcombe Park Residence

It happened at her home, at Gatcombe park. It is a 700 acre estate where she has lived since 1976 after it was gifted to her as a wedding present upon marrying her first husband, Mark Phillips.

Injuries in line with that of a horse incident

At her estate, the King’s sister has a number of horses residing in stables. Princess Anne has always had a very strong affiliation to horses, being a strong rider and taking part in equestrian events. It is understood her injuries come from a horse.

The Princess Royal and horses

The Princess is a well-practised horse rider and was also the first royal to compete in the Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976 (pictured).

At hospital in Bristol, UK

As the statement read, she remains in a Bristol hospital for observation as a 'precautionary measure’. The palace further confirmed that she is under observation but that her injuries are ‘minor’.

A full and swift recovery

Buckingham Palace confirmed that she is ‘expected to make a full and swift recovery’.

Best wishes for Princess Anne

‘The King has been kept closely informed and joins the whole Royal Family in sending his fondest love and well-wishes to The Princess for a speedy recovery’, the statement concluded.

'She'll be out when she's ready'

"Do you expect her out today, Sir?" a reporter asked from ITV on a video posted on X.

"She'll be out when she's ready," Sir Tim replied, letting the public know the Princess Royal will recover completely before she leaves the care of professionals.


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