Frances Bean Cobain - 30 years old and practicing 'radical gratitude'

It's hard to believe Kurt Cobain's daughter is 30!
Frances wasn't sure she would live past her 20s
A near death experience in 2017
Living with radical gratitude
Famous before birth
Born in '92
Substance abuse made for a rocky childhood
At just 2 weeks of age, Frances' parents lost custody of her
Kurt and Courtney beat the courts
Addiction would follow Frances for many years
Kurt was not sober often
The last time Frances saw her dad was at rehab
Life didn't get easier with just Courtney
Love was arrested and in rehab over the course of Frances' childhood
Love admits she was on drugs often
Love lost custody again when Frances was 11
Frances witnessed her mother's overdose
Cared for by her aunt and grandmother
But Courtney's addiction problems always came back
Frances chose to leave home when she was 17
Frances appreciated the stability offered by her grandmother
Courtney lost custody for the 3rd time
The toll of an unstable home
Frances was very resentful
She likes her mom when she is being healthy
Frances knows she can't control her mom
Frances has her own struggles with addiction
Clean by 2016
Sober friends are important
She channels her energy into healthy things
Embracing the sober life
A model
An artist
Dating Tony Hawk's son
It's hard to believe Kurt Cobain's daughter is 30!

Frances Bean Cobain owes her fame to her musician parents Courtney Love and the late grunge icon Kurt Cobain. Frances recently celebrated her 30th birthday, making Nirvana fans around the globe feel rather ancient.

Frances wasn't sure she would live past her 20s

Nonetheless, Frances, who holds an eerie resemblance to her late father, shared on her Instagram account that she wasn't always 100% sure she would make it to her thirties.

Photo: Instagram@thespacewitch

"30!!! I made it!"

To celebrate her three decades on the planet, on August 18, Cobain shared a compilation of photos in honor of her big day, writing, "30 !!! I made it!"

"20-year-old Frances wasn't sure that was going to happen"

She then reflected on her struggles and a near-death experience that caused her to change how she looked at life. Cobain wrote, "Honestly, 20-year-old Frances wasn't sure that was going to happen" (referring to turning 30).

"More trauma than my body or brain knew how to handle"

Frances continued: "At the time, an intrinsic sense of deep self-loathing dictated by insecurity, destructive coping mechanisms & more trauma than my body or brain knew how to handle, informed how I saw myself and the world...."

"a life that attracted chaos and pain"

She continued, "...through a lens of resentment for being brought into a life that seemingly attracted so much chaos and the kind of pain tied to grief that felt inescapable."

A near death experience in 2017

In 2017, when Frances was on a plane, one of its wings caught fire. This experience had a profound impact on her.

"I'm glad to have proven myself wrong"

Frances wrote about it in her birthday message, "Then, an event on a plane which brought me closer in proximity to death is ironically the event that catapulted me towards running at this lived experience with radical gratitude. I'm glad to have proven myself wrong & to have found ways to transform pain into knowledge."

Photo: Instagram@thespacewitch

Living with radical gratitude

To "live with radical gratitude" seems to have helped Frances Bean Cobain overcome many of the mental health issues she has struggled with.

Famous before birth

She was born into wealth and fame, she was famous even before birth; Frances Bean's sonogram photo was featured on the sleeve of Nirvana's 1992 single "Lithium." Despite all of this, Cobain hasn't had an "easy" life.


Born in '92

Frances Bean Cobain was born in Los Angeles in 1992, and Kurt and Courtney named her after The Vaselines guitarist Frances McKee.

Substance abuse made for a rocky childhood

However, both her parents struggled with substance abuse at the time, and child welfare services eventually had to get involved.

At just 2 weeks of age, Frances' parents lost custody of her

Frances was removed from her parents' custody when she was just two weeks old.

Kurt and Courtney beat the courts

Following an intense legal battle, Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain regained custody of their only child.

Addiction would follow Frances for many years

But Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain's substance abuse issues would affect Frances Bean Cobain for nearly the rest of her life.

Kurt was not sober often

Frances' mother, Courtney, told The Fix that even when she was pregnant with Frances, her husband, "Kurt [Cobain] was using a lot of heroin," and it was widely reported that he continued to do so until his death.

The last time Frances saw her dad was at rehab

In fact, according to Charles R. Cross in 'Heavier than Heaven,' the last time Frances saw her father alive was at the Exodus Recover Center, a rehab center, on April 1, 1994. Just one week later, he was found dead in Seattle in his home.

Life didn't get easier with just Courtney

Things were not much better for Frances with her mother after her father died.

"she basically exits on Xanax, Adderall...."

The Daily Mail reported that in 2009 Frances Bean revealed in court testimony that Courtney Love "has taken drugs for as long as I can remember" and that she "basically exists now on...Xanax, Adderall, Sonata and Abilify."

Love was arrested and in rehab over the course of Frances' childhood

In addition to Frances' statements about her mother's addiction issues, Love has been arrested for substance-related offenses on multiple occasions and spent much of Frances' childhood in and out of rehab centers.

Image: Sky News

Love admits she was on drugs often

According to ABC News, Love said that between 2001 and 2004, "I was on drugs and nothing I wrote made any sense," a period of time that coincides with Frances' tween years.

Love lost custody again when Frances was 11

In fact, when Frances Bean was just 11 years old in 2003, Love again lost custody of her daughter for the second time.

Frances witnessed her mother's overdose

MTV reported that Love lost custody of Frances when the 11-year-old was present during her mother's overdose and subsequent arrest.

Cared for by her aunt and grandmother

Frances was frequently placed in the care of her paternal grandmother, Wendy O'Connor, and her father's sister, Kimberly Cobain.

Pictured: Wendy and Kimberly in NYC in 2014.

"my kids is my first priority"

Despite her addictions, Courtney Love was keen to regain custody of her daughter. In 2005, Love went to court after a stay in rehab, stating, "my kid is my first priority."

But Courtney's addiction problems always came back

However, just months after regaining custody, CNN reported that Love violated the conditions of her probation.

Frances chose to leave home when she was 17

By the time Frances was seventeen, she had had enough of her tumultuous home environment and decided to live with her grandmother permanently.

Frances appreciated the stability offered by her grandmother

Frances had told Haper's Bazaar two years earlier that her grandmother was "the most constant thing I've ever had."

Courtney lost custody for the 3rd time

As a result, Courtney Love once again lost custody of her child and many accused Love of having relapsed.

"a strong willed child"

However, Frances' mother told People, "Frances is 17 and a strong-willed child, and this is a decision she made on her own."

The toll of an unstable home

Taking care of her drug-addicted mother could not have been an easy task, and growing up in an unstable home took its toll.

Frances was very resentful

In 2018, Frances Bean spoke of this on the podcast 'RuPaul: What's the Tee?' saying, "I was so ..... bitter and angry and upset and resentful for a really long time."

She likes her mom when she is being healthy

Despite her anger, Cobain did say that she likes who her mother is "when [she] is on a right and healthy path."

Frances knows she can't control her mom

However, when it comes to Courtney's addiction, she understands there is little she can do, saying, "I also don't expect that my opinions are going to deter her decisions."

Frances has her own struggles with addiction

It is unsurprising that Frances also has struggled with addiction despite her disdain for her mother's actions.

Clean by 2016

However, but 2016, she managed to work through her issues and get sober.

Sober friends are important

On the podcast 'RuPaul: What's The Tee?' Cobain said "sober companions" were the key for her.

She channels her energy into healthy things

She then said, "I keep myself accountable, channeling my fanatical, addictive personality and tendencies into really healthy things."

Embracing the sober life

In 2018 Frances shared that she was two years sober in an Instagram post which has since been deleted.

"The best decision I ever made"

According to People she wrote, "Self-destruction and toxic consumption and deliverance from pain is a lot easier to adhere to. Undeniably, for myself and those around me, becoming present is the best decision I have ever made."

A model

Despite her unstable childhood and struggles with addiction, Frances has made out alright. She has done some modeling over the years and was even the face of Marc Jacobs in 2017.

An artist

Frances Bean is also an artist, sharing her work both on Instagram and through exhibits.

Dating Tony Hawk's son

Cobain is also in love. In January 2022, she went IG official with Riley Hawk, the son of skating boarding legend Tony Hawk.

Photo: Instagram@thespacewitch