Your February Horoscope: the good, the bad and the ugly

February 2024: Ushering in an era of change
Libra: The universe has your back, but…
Libra: During challenging moments, take the time for yourself
Aires: Embracing change and staying rational
Aries: Be careful with your health
Taurus: Big opportunities, but beware
Taurus: Use the power of listening
Gemini: Be open to advancement
Gemini: Just be yourself
Leo: A time to gather strength and grow
Leo: Don’t forget to build connections
Pisces: Peace and quiet
Pisces: Be proactive about your inner health
Cancer: Be on the lookout for a career shift
Cancer: Don't fear conflict
Virgo: Perfectionism could get you down
Virgo: Your problem to solve this month - you
Scorpio: Don't let the boredom get to you
Scorpio: Don't be scared of intimacy
Sagittarius: A great time to come up with ideas
Sagittarius: Prioritize sleep and silence
Capricorn: Ahh, time to relax
Capricorn: Relaxing can be hard work too
Aquarius: Your time to shine
Aquarius: Don’t forget to stay grounded
General advice for February
February 2024: Ushering in an era of change

Pluto, which may no longer be a “planet,” is still good in astrology. And in late January, it moved into Aquarius, pretty much for the first time in 248 years. Since Pluto takes so long to orbit the sun, it’s one of the few Pluto shifts of our lifetimes and points to a time for innovation and change. Buckle up!

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Libra: The universe has your back, but…

You are set to receive some important news this month. Whether it's good or bad now, it will be for the best in the long run. Although equilibrium is important for you, expect to be thrown a little off-kilter. Not everything will go your way. But within yourself, you will be strong. To the external world, your intellectual prowess will be noted.

Libra: During challenging moments, take the time for yourself

Although your diplomatic nature could kick into high gear as you let those around you know that everything will be “ok,” don’t forget to take the time for self-care. Whether it is a few moments for meditation, exercise, or even shopping, stress management will be key for you to be at your most effective.

Drawn inspiration from famous Libra, singer Rosalía

Aires: Embracing change and staying rational

Aires, this month may involve a difficult decision that you can’t walk back from. While the decision is not only yours, your opinion will be important and likely beneficial to the situation. Draw on your confidence and passion to gently take charge, but remember to stay rational while also considering the needs of others.

Aries: Be careful with your health

While your mind may be spinning with your big decision, you will also be prone to exhaustion or even ill health this month. It will be important to keep in contact with your own body, checking to see how you are and bringing your mind back to the present moment. Getting enough sleep, exercise and food will go a long way this February.

Draw inspiration from famous Aires, singer Elton John

Taurus: Big opportunities, but beware

Taurus, this month could see some opportunities handed to you on a silver platter, but be careful what you accept. Consider how these opportunities could impact other aspects of your life. You tend to be driven by materialism, so saying yes could be a “no-brainer” but challenge yourself to think about your life in a more holistic sense.

Taurus: Use the power of listening

When tempted by some of the well-deserved luck on your path this month, use your power of listening and ask for advice from those around you. Practice deep listening, where you let others share their perspectives without interruptions or distractions. Since you may forget to stop and reflect, don’t forget to draw on the wisdom of those around you.

Draw inspiration from famous Taurus, philosopher Marcus Aurelius

Gemini: Be open to advancement

February could be a transformative month for you, especially in terms of personal and professional growth. This will be a good time to follow your heart because freedom lies on the flip side of some long-fought struggles. Although you should watch out for impulsivity generally, this month is a good time to go for it!

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Gemini: Just be yourself

This month embrace your enthusiasm and quick wit. Not only will it be satisfying for you, but it could help those around you who aren’t in such a positive place. Don’t be afraid of negative emotions because you have the power to flip them around quickly. Love yourself, don’t care what others think and be playful… after all, life should be fun!

Draw inspiration from famous Taurus, actress and comic Awkwafina

Leo: A time to gather strength and grow

Dear Leo, you need to focus your energy this month on gathering strength and growing for perhaps a challenging time ahead. Set your intentions for strength and go with the flow, as this month could be relatively uneventful… and that’s a good thing. Be open to romance as well, whether that’s with yourself or others.

Leo: Don’t forget to build connections

On your month of strength-building, don’t forget to also think about reinforcing your connections with others. Give your friends, family or lovers a call or a surprise. They are important supports to have in your life when a more transformative period comes. And of course, eat well, sleep a lot and get exercise.

Draw inspiration from famous Leo, actor, politician, and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger

Pisces: Peace and quiet

February is set to be a relatively relaxing month for you. Like a tranquil lake that reflects that’s what around it, this moment of calm will be a good time to reflect on your love life, career, family and personal development as you’ll be able to see clearly. If you embrace this calm attitude, things will go your way with little struggle.

Pisces: Be proactive about your inner health

This is a great time to think about what you want and how you want to be for the rest of the year. You may have been struggling with mental health in recent years and this is an excellent inflection point, where you can seize the peace to really gain insight about yourself. Remember the calm moments, as you can come back to them in times of more emotional turbulence.

Draw inspiration from famous Pisces, composer and pianist Frédéric Chopin

Cancer: Be on the lookout for a career shift

This month will empower you with a boost of self-confidence. Maybe you’ll find yourself saying no, asking for changes and setting much-needed limits. And while that is happening, have one eye on other professional opportunities that may arise, either within your workplace or somewhere else. Hey, maybe even try to start something of your own. The stars are telling you not to conform to situations that are bringing you down.

Cancer: Don't fear conflict

With this newfound empowerment, some clashes could be headed your way. But try to keep your cool and don’t run to avoid what is inevitable. You may feel better once it's over. Of course, to keep up this new attitude, take care of yourself mentally and physically, pushing yourself when you need to but, on the flip side, really allowing yourself to relax as well.

Draw inspiration from famous Cancer, entrepreneur Elon Musk

Virgo: Perfectionism could get you down

This February could be full of ups and downs. The good news is that an emotional or professional opportunity could present itself. The bad news is that your perfectionism could get them twisted. It will be important for you to communicate your boundaries and limitations, even though you feel like you might be able to handle whatever comes your way alone.

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Virgo: Your problem to solve this month - you

Known for your problem-solving abilities, this month is a good time to direct your talents to your interior. Are any habits getting in the way of your happiness? Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Embrace an introverted period to get to the bottom of some of your glitches so you can come out glorious in March.

Draw inspiration from famous Virgo, actor Richard Gere

Scorpio: Don't let the boredom get to you

This February, things might seem a little “blah” and mundane. But this is a month for you to embrace boredom, which can actually be good for you. At the same time, it’s a good time to break your routine and spice up your days with some fun. Although things around you might not be new, try to experiment by adding some new spins to the tried and true.

Scorpio: Don't be scared of intimacy

Although Scorpios are known for their independence, this month’s energy makes intimacy an extra strong force in your life. Share your silly new takes on life with those around you fearlessly. And lean into them for some wise advice. If done well, your romantic life could blossom.

Draw inspiration from famous Scorpio, actor Whoopi Goldberg

Sagittarius: A great time to come up with ideas

February is a good month for ideas, so give yourself time to brainstorm and talk things out. And one of these ideas could take you far, so keep a pen and paper (or phone) nearby to make sure that your “eureka” moment doesn’t vanish. While it's a good month to let your mind run, also try to avoid looking too scattered.

Sagittarius: Prioritize sleep and silence

While your mind may be on fire this month, it is a double-edged sword as it could be hard to turn it off. It will be important to prioritize silent times, like going for silent walks instead of listening to something or talking to someone. Shut-eye will also be key. Don’t forget, good ideas can come in dreams too!

Draw inspiration from famous Sagittarius, author Mark Twain

Image: Autochrome of Mark Twain late in his life, 1908, Alvin Langdon Coburn via The Art Stack/Wikimedia

Capricorn: Ahh, time to relax

A busy time on your social calendar is firmly in the rear-view mirror, so this is an excellent month to kick off your shoes and take some well-deserved time to relax. Your practical spirit knows that this is a good approach to the shortest month of the year. It will remain important to fulfill your responsibilities, but there is no pressure to go above and beyond.

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Capricorn: Relaxing can be hard work too

Ok, you may be a bit of an overachiever, so this month’s relaxing vibe could be a bit confusing. It will be important to remember that relaxation is important, even if it’s not easy. It can involve gentle walks in nature, catching up with friends, or watching your favorite movie. It is a state of mind and a much-needed physical reset. Remember: This month happiness is in the here and now, there’s no need to hurry.

Draw inspiration from famous Capricorn, actor Florence Pugh

Aquarius: Your time to shine

The energy of Aquarius is strong this month, which will make you extra magnetic and charming this month. Embrace it and enjoy it without letting it get to your head. Direct your energy to any aspect of your life that you want to improve and then work your magic.

Aquarius: Don’t forget to stay grounded

As an air sign on a good roll this month, it’s important to keep your feet on the ground and keep your humility. How? Prioritize deep relationships in your life, especially with people who can help ground you. There is a small risk that this positive luck could turn into a manic energy, so meditation, exercises like yoga and surrounding yourself with nature will also help balance you out.

Draw inspiration from famous Aquarius, basketball player Michael Jordan

General advice for February

Until Feb. 18, the Sun in Aquarius highlights themes of individuality, humanitarianism, and progressiveness. But in the second half of the month, the Sun moves into Pisces, so all star signs should move towards introspection and emotional depth, though this is particularly true for the water signs.

The full moon is on Feb. 24.

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