Nostradamus: did his prophecies come true for 2022?

Predictions by the French prophet Nostradamus
An astrologer of the 16th century
Nostradamus predicted war in Europe
Attack on a European city
Ukraine war
The collapse of the European Union
Death of a dictator
Or perhaps Putin?
Earthquake in Japan
'Successful predictions' from the past
Terrifying predictions
Baba Vanga
Warned of several disasters
Volcanoes and floods
For 2022: a new pandemic... from Siberia!
Water shortages
New technology
A terrifying prediction about Russia
Aliens too?
But can these predictions really be trusted?
Predictions by the French prophet Nostradamus

For our time, the 16th-century French astrologer Nostradamus predicted a European war with many refugees, attacks on a city, and the fall of the European Union. People who studied and interpreted his writings have claimed that these predictions applied to 2022.

An astrologer of the 16th century

Nostradamus lived from 1503 to 1566 and wrote approximately 6,338 prophecies. He even claimed to know how and when the world would come to an end! Of course, his writings were rarely specific, which makes them open to a lot of different interpretations. Critics even say that people can read into his words whatever they want to read.

Nostradamus predicted war in Europe

The following interpretations of his prophecies for 2022 were circulated at the beginning of the year - before anything was known about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Read on to see what Nostradamus appears to have predicted correctly for 2022 - according to his interpreters.

Attack on a European city

People interpreting his prophecies wrote in late December 2021 that Nostradamus had made statements about a possible siege of Paris in 2022. This would indicate a war in Europe.


Nostradamus also predicted that wars and armed conflicts in the world would be an amplifier of hunger, which would increase migration.


Some of his interpreters claimed that Nostradamus predicted the arrival of many more refugees by 2022. They say he calculated that seven times as many migrants would reach Europe's borders as in the previous year.

Ukraine war

One could say that this happened with the millions of Ukrainian refugees after the start of the war on February 24, 2022.

The collapse of the European Union

One of the points in his prophecies would also be Nostradamus' prediction of the fall of the European Union. For 2022, that did not happen.

Death of a dictator

According to some prophecy interpreters, Nostradamus predicted the death of a dictator. They think he was referring to North Korea's Kim-Jong Un. This prophecy has obviously not come true so far.

Or perhaps Putin?

Or perhaps we should not take 'demise' too literally and simply point to Vladimir Putin's losses in Ukraine. Will he remain president of Russia for much longer?

Earthquake in Japan

Another prediction was that a major earthquake would hit Japan in 2022. This did indeed happen, on March 16, 2022. Off the coast of Fukushima, Japan, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 took place.

'Successful predictions' from the past

Nostradamus correctly predicted certain historical events in the past. Or, at least, it would seem that way by some interpretations of his words.

Terrifying predictions

He allegedly foresaw the Great Fire of London, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, the horrors of World War II, the French Revolution, and even the creation of the atomic bomb.

Baba Vanga

Nostradamus is the most famous but not the only seer who has many followers. Vangelia Gushterov, better known as Baba Vanga or 'the Nostradamus of the Balkans,' was a Bulgarian healer who lived from 1911 to 1996. She shared visions of the future as far ahead as the year 5079.

Warned of several disasters

Baba Vanga's fame was mainly confined to Eastern Europe, but over time, her predictions of important historical events have gone around the world. Among her best-known (alleged) predictions are the 11 September 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York; the Chernobyl nuclear accident; the death of Princess Diana; the 2004 tsunami in Asia; and the UK's exit from the European Union.

Volcanoes and floods

For 2021, Baba Vanga predicted significant seismic and volcanic activity, as well as floods and storms. According to international media, the seer was 85% accurate in her predictions.

For 2022: a new pandemic... from Siberia!

For the year 2022, the situation, according to Baba, was not very encouraging. Among the prophetess's forecasted events was a new pandemic, this time discovered by scientists in Siberia. While we could say there have been new outbreaks, for example monkey pox, Siberian scientists don't seem to have had much to do with them.

Water shortages

Her visions also included a serious water crisis, with drinking water shortages in several cities around the world.


The prophet also predicted that river pollution would increase and that a tsunami would devastate Asia and Australia.

New technology

She said people would spend more time glued to the screens of mobile devices and computers, confusing reality and the virtual world. Would she be referring to Meta by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerman, or simply by our addiction to social media?

A terrifying prediction about Russia

In the days following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, texts from Baba Vanga circulated that had allegedly predicted this aggression. According to several international news media outlets, the seer allegedly said that "Russia would rule the world" and that "no one can stop Russia."

Aliens too?

Among the list of more exotic premonitions, Baba Vanga even foresaw an alien invasion. According to her, an asteroid sent by aliens will attack planet Earth in 2027.

But can these predictions really be trusted?

Of course, we are unable to ask Baba Vanga and Nostradamus whether their ambiguous texts were actually pointing toward these concrete events. The prophecies will always remain a point of interpretation and discussion.

Read also: Liu Bowen, the 'Chinese Nostradamus,' predicted the beginning and end of Covid-19

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