Famous people who've been accused of theft

Lady Gaga
Courtney Love
Mark Zuckerberg
Lindsay Lohan
Winona Ryder
Steve Jobs
Britney Spears
OJ Simpson
Alexander Graham Bell
Justin Bieber
Farrah Fawcett
James Brown
JK Rowling
Barry White
Amanda Bynes
Ozzy Osbourne
Tom Selleck
Megan Fox
Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is one of those stars who "forgot" to return something they had borrowed... In her case, it was lingerie donated for the filming of a music video. The singer allegedly returned only half of the borrowed underwear once the filming was finished.

Courtney Love

As for Courtney Love, she "forgot" to return some jewelry she had borrowed from a store. It was worth approximately $100,000.

Mark Zuckerberg

In 2009, the twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss accused Mark Zuckerberg of stealing the idea of Facebook from them. The conflict ended with an amicable agreement and a payment of 65 million dollars to the two brothers.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to four months in prison for stealing a necklace worth $2,500 from a jewelry store in California.

Winona Ryder

In December 2001, Winona Ryder made headlines after being arrested in Beverly Hills. She had stolen from a clothing store for a total value of 4700 dollars.

Steve Jobs

In 2016, Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi accused Steve Jobs of stealing ideas to invent the iPhone, as well as technologies like GPS and voice recognition.

Britney Spears

The singer had a slight kleptomaniac period in her life when her hobby was to steal a bit of everything from everywhere. It wasn't the value of the stolen items that caused controversy, but the fact that Britney seemed to be proud of her loot.

OJ Simpson

A few years before his infamous trial, OJ Simpson and his teammates were accused of theft from the hotels they were staying at. Their excuse? Once they'd signed them with an autograph, these objects were theirs, they said.

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell notoriously 'stole' the invention of the telephone. In reality, Antonio Meucci had developed the project in 1850, but he lacked the money to renew his patent. In 1876, Bell took the opportunity to register the telephone in his name. After many years, in 2002, Meucci was once again recognized as the actual inventor of the technology.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has been repeatedly accused of stealing cell phones. The singer allegedly tried to steal a phone from a fan after taking a selfie with them.

Farrah Fawcett

In the 1970s, Farrah Fawcett was accused of stealing clothes from a boutique. The actress then explained that she had done so to achieve justice. The business in question had refused to give her a refund to which she said she was entitled.

James Brown

When he was still a teenager, James Brown was arrested for an armed robbery. He received a prison sentence and spent three years behind bars.

JK Rowling

In 2010, JK Rowling was accused of plagiarism in her book 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.' In the legal proceedings of the case, it was determined that the accusation had no basis.

Barry White

During his teenage years, Barry White was part of a gang. He was arrested along with his brother for stealing tires worth $30,000 and spent four months in prison. The experience allowed him to take stock and decide to change his life for the better.

Amanda Bynes

TV actress Amanda Bynes was caught stealing in 2014. She tried to take a $200 hat from Barneys New York. In the end, there were no serious consequences, as no complaint was filed, but it was embarrassing all the same.

Ozzy Osbourne

At the age of 15, Ozzy Osbourne wanted some easy money. He stole a television, some baby clothes, and some t-shirts. He got caught and served six weeks in prison.

Tom Selleck

Tom Selleck caused a stir in 2015 when he was accused of illegally pumping thousands of gallons of water to spray his ranch in California during a drought. The 70-year-old actor resolved the issue by reaching an amicable agreement with the California Water Board.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox was caught stealing lipstick from a Wal-Mart store during her teenage years. She couldn't bear the pressure of having been caught red-handed and she admitted the facts before bursting into tears.

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