Here's what your horoscope predicts for the month of June

Your June horoscope
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Your time to shine
Gemini: Reflect inward
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Bravery
Cancer: A structure for your conversations
Leo (July 23 - August 22): A time for magic
Leo: Slow down when you need to
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): People are your priority
Virgo: The power of saying no... and yes
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Being present
Libra: Have compassion for yourself
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Feeling light
Scorpio: Focus on your bigger goals
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): A higher connection
Sagittarius: Soak up all the knowledge
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Embracing patience
Capricorn: Trust the journey
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Deepening connections
Aquarius: Quality time
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The risk of overwhelm
Pisces: Let go
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Your month for communication
Aries: Empathy is the name of the game
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Beware of old habits
Taurus: Self-care is key
Contemplate the transient nature of life
Your June horoscope

As Gemini's influence dawns, expect a vibrant boost in dynamism and interpersonal bonds. This period is full of opportunities for interaction and exploration, boosted by the early month conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury, which promises to inspire expansive thinking. As the month closes, the gentle vibes of Cancer will soothe the energetic pace. Here's a guide for each zodiac sign to maximize this wonderful month's potential!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Your time to shine

May might have been challenging, but as the month changes it is your chance to shine. You may find yourself exceptionally good at communication and expressing your feelings, so it's an excellent time to have those deep conversations that can define and deepen your relationships for months to come.

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Gemini: Reflect inward

While this is a month for socializing and connection, you will be able to best manage if you take the time to reflect on what you really want and what is important in your life. Turn your excellent curiosity to identify patterns that may have been holding you back. Combining your excellent communication skills, extroversion, and internal exploration, this is a great month to leverage the power of talk therapy.

Draw inspiration from famous Gemini Sir Ian McKellen

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Bravery

While usually soft and sensitive, expect to feel a vibrant wave of bravery this month. Don't question it, but use it to do what and say you have been wanting to do and say for a while. This bravery does not necessarily mean you'll be stiff-lipped and stoic, but it will allow you to be vulnerable and express your true emotions and desires to those around you - however messy they may be!

Cancer: A structure for your conversations

You have big feelings and a lot to say, so here's a way to structure serious conversations to make them most effective. Start by telling the other person what you like most about them, then share any regrets that you may have had about your past actions. From there, express what is hurting you or what you think can be improved. End the conversation by sharing a long-term harmful habit that you have and are trying to improve, and how they could help you grow. This kind of sharing is the basis of empathy and compassion.

Draw inspiration from famous Cancer George Michael

Leo (July 23 - August 22): A time for magic

This June could be a very magical month for you, dear Leo. It's a month packed with fun and social energy, as well as intense growth. You may feel a surge of awareness, and that your five senses are all sharpened. If you want, this energy can easily be transformed into deeper connections with others as well.

Leo: Slow down when you need to

This surge of energy and growth is definitely a blessing, but don't let it overwhelm you. Make sure to slow down to appreciate the little details that add up to such a magical time. Focus on self-care to ensure you can get enough sleep. Avoid over-indulgence in vices as well and connect with nature to stay grounded.

Draw inspiration from famous Leo Beatrix Potter

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): People are your priority

Also caught up in the social butterfly energy of June, your people skills will be shining and people will gravitate to you. Although you may feel tired, this is an excellent time to solidify the important connections in your life before you retreat more into your home in the months to come.

Virgo: The power of saying no... and yes

While you may find yourself out and about more than even you would have imagined this month, keep your agency at the top of your mind. While you might want to be in a systematic "yes" mode, or even "no" mode, the conflicting energies of the month make it important for you to engage with others, but only the people who you really think will bring positive energy to your life. Within this energy, self-care will also be key to striking a balance.

Draw inspiration from famous Virgo B.B. King

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Being present

Dear Libra, this has not been an easy year for you and you can expect the emotional ups and downs to continue this June. But your superpower is being present, both for yourself and those around you who may be going through a tough time. An energy of resilience surrounds you, and your past troubles will serve as a solid base for you to help people in need.

Libra: Have compassion for yourself

As you constantly strive for that fleeting balance, you may feel off-kilter. But your mantra this month should be simple: "Have compassion for yourself." You may feel like you've made mistakes or could be doing better. But take a step back and see the reality, you are doing your best and no one is perfect. Be present and be yourself. That's all you can do.

Draw inspiration from famous Libra Christopher Reeve

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Feeling light

Coinciding with the summer solstice, you may feel a certain lightness about you, despite any heaviness that may strike. It comes with it a charm, that could be something of a double-edged sword, depending on how you wield it. Beware of the urge to manipulate people, even if you think it's for the best.

Scorpio: Focus on your bigger goals

Although this month is a social one, it's also an ideal time for you to focus on what you want for the long term. This requires quiet reflection on who you are and what makes your soul shine. Engaging in personal art projects could help you on this path, whether it be writing poems, painting, sculpting or dancing. The lightness that accompanies you carries a strong message, even though it may be abstract.

Draw inspiration from famous Scorpio Frank Ocean

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): A higher connection

Sagittarius is sometimes depicted by the centaur, whose higher intelligence acts as a bridge connecting Earth and Heaven. This month, that may feel especially true as you lend a useful helping hand to those around you, putting them in touch with the ideas that can enable them to get through tough times.

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Sagittarius: Soak up all the knowledge

This is more of a time for vibrant social connection, but that doesn't mean you should abandon soaking up knowledge too. Through listening, reading and studying, you are even primed to come across a nugget of wisdom that could be extremely meaningful for your life too.

Draw inspiration from famous Sagittarius Winston Churchill

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Embracing patience

Capricorn, June asks you to slow down and practice patience with others... and yourself. Instead of focusing solely on your goals, use this time to stop, look around and be gentle. This month is about trusting the process and finding peace in the present moment.

Capricorn: Trust the journey

Allow yourself to step back and enjoy where you are. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and reflection, such as hiking or reading. By embracing patience, you'll cultivate a deeper sense of fulfillment and clarity. In turn, you will shine and be a solid pillar for those around you.

Draw inspiration from famous Capricorn Timothée Chalamet

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Deepening connections

June encourages you, Aquarius, to strengthen your relationships. Focus on genuine, heartfelt interactions with those around you. This month is about creating meaningful bonds and fostering a sense of community. Leave behind any individualistic urges and experiment with being selfless, it could score you some serious karma points.

Aquarius: Quality time

Spend quality time with loved ones and engage in deep conversations. Practice active listening and show empathy. But also don't be afraid to be vulnerable with others, sharing your deep feelings and fears. By investing in your relationships, you'll build a strong support system and enrich your life.

Draw inspiration from famous Aquarius Oprah Winfrey

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The risk of overwhelm

It may seem like a lot has been going on lately. Old worries may be creeping in, those you love may be struggling and anxiety may run high if you're too focused on everyone else. You are a solid person for others to turn to, but to make the most of your emotional power this month, prioritize quality over quantity so you don't get drained.

Pisces: Let go

With worries creeping in, your mantra this month should be letting go. That does not mean ignoring the problems or your own concerns. Instead, it means facing them gently, giving them a warm hug, and letting them go with kindness. Becoming emotionally attached to these problems will not be helpful, but you can be a balm if you practice letting them melt away with love.

Draw inspiration from famous Pisces George Harrison

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Your month for communication

It may come as a bit of a surprise, but this month's energy brings you the gift of the gab. While you are often social, the season sees you especially adept at chatting, with an extra dash of wit and charm that has a certain power. But your tongue could get you in trouble if you're not careful.

Aries: Empathy is the name of the game

While you may be perfectly jolly with your words this month, those around you may not be so impressed. Remember to put yourself in their shoes. Not everyone's sense of humor is the same. What you may think of as a clever remark may be taken as a hurtful jab. Spend time this month analyzing your own patterns that may prove hurtful for those around you.

Draw inspiration from famous Aires Maya Angelou

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Beware of old habits

You may perceive June's energy as somewhat chaotic. A lot is happening around you, many people are calling out for your attention and you could face becoming overwhelmed. You have made great progress this year, but risk exists of falling into bad old habits if burnout begins to emerge and you are not mindful. They can devastate both you and those around you, if not when they start, where they will eventually end up.

Taurus: Self-care is key

If you're feeling stressed, feel free to tell people "no." You may feel like you owe people a lot, but those around you will appreciate you more if you're well-rested and can control your impulses. And don't unwind focusing on what's been stressing you. Slow down. Breathe. Meditate. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Have fun. Be honest with yourself and others.

Draw inspiration from famous Taurus Henry Cavill

Contemplate the transient nature of life

With the solstice on the horizon, June promises an intense wave of energy. Amidst heightened emotions and personal interactions, it’s crucial to ponder the transient nature of existence. Remember, nothing is permanent — neither sorrows, summer sun, nor life itself.

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