Super Nanny's best advice for raising your child

All parents go through this!
Super Nanny
A selection of their best tips
Establish a routine
Prioritize quality family time
Don't neglect a child's sleep
Demonstrate authority
Promote communication
Avoid excessive screen time
Congratulate your child
Do not force a child to eat
Ban swear words
Listen actively
Encourage autonomy
Set clear boundaries
Do not show favoritism
Take care of yourself!
All parents go through this!

Despite all the love you have for your child, sometimes you feel overwhelmed by their behavior. Rest assured, when it comes to raising kids, every parent encounters difficulties at some point! The good news is that there are simple, yet effective parenting practices that can help us in our daily lives.

Super Nanny

These are three Super Nannies from different countries: Cathy Sarraï from France, Jo Frost from the UK, and Katharina Saalfranck from Germany. In addition, there's Sylvie Jenaly in the French version of the 'Super Nanny' TV show. Their advice, based on their experiences as educators, has been recognized as effective by the families they have accompanied.

A selection of their best tips

Discover in this gallery the best advice given by 'Super Nanny' over the course of its episodes. Tips that are easy to apply and adapt to the individual needs of your children.

Establish a routine

A structured daily life will help your child feel safe and develop a sense of stability in the home. To create a routine, it's important to set specific times for meals, homework, playtime, and bedtime. Overall, having a routine with your children will also allow you to better manage time and organize your lives.

Prioritize quality family time

Whether it's fun activities, family outings, shared meals, or moments of conversation, quality family time is precious! These moments contribute to creating a warm family environment and promote the development of the child.

Don't neglect a child's sleep

"The more rested the children feel, the better they approach life," Sylvie Jenaly writes in the columns of 'Le Parisien.' Sleep has an impact on the overall well-being of the child, so it should not be neglected. "It is imperative to put them to bed early in the evening," the Super Nanny says. To make bedtime easier, create an environment conducive to sleep and establish healthy habits before bedtime, such as reading a book.

Demonstrate authority

Parental authority makes it possible to teach fundamental values (respect, honesty, etc.) to children, but also to prepare them for living in a society. Parents, too, have their rules to respect, as Sylvie Jenaly points out: "Never make a promise that you cannot keep. It is very important to keep your word. If it is imperative to break a promise, it is important to explain the reasons for this reversal."

Promote communication

Fluid communication with your children strengthens the emotional ties that exist between you and them and allows you to better understand their needs and expectations. Encourage your children to express their emotions and concerns without fear of judgment.

Avoid excessive screen time

Screens are often considered great allies since they can keep our children busy for hours. But, be careful not to overdo it! For the well-being of our children, it is necessary to limit their screen time. Sylvie Jenaly says in 'Le Parisien': "The idea is to empower [the children]: give them a specific time to play, and, above all, stick to it." She adds: "The ideal time [for screens] is after school, just after snack time. On the other hand, never before going to sleep."

Photo: Alexander Dummer / Unsplash

Congratulate your child

By congratulating your children for their good grades, their positive attitude, or their little daily efforts, you will strengthen their self-esteem and encourage them to persevere and take on new challenges.

Do not force a child to eat

Your child does not want to finish his plate? Be indulgent with them. You have to respect their natural appetite. Maybe they're just not hungry anymore. As the Super Nannies say, forcing a child to eat can create food-related disorders. On the other hand, you should "at least force them to taste," they say. Give your child the opportunity to explore different foods at their own pace.

Photo: Tanaphong Toochinda / Unsplash

Ban swear words

A basic principle, certainly, but it deserves to be remembered! The use of swear words in a child's speech can significantly damage their social relationships. By banning them, you will help the child understand and respect social norms. Banning swear words, especially hurtful or offensive words, encourages children to be considerate of others.

Listen actively

Actively listening to a child means giving them full and complete attention when they talk to us while showing signs of interest as well. This way of listening and responding makes your child feel heard and valued. It reinforces open communication between you.

Encourage autonomy

It is important to let your child do tasks on their own. This makes him feel competent and boosts their self-confidence. Thanks to this autonomy, your child will acquire practical skills for everyday life such as dressing themselves, tidying up, or preparing simple meals. It will also develop thinking and decision-making skills.

Set clear boundaries

It's okay to set boundaries for your child by using caring and positive parenting methods. When these limits are established with clarity and consistency, they create a reassuring environment favorable to the development of our children.

Do not show favoritism

If you have several children, be careful not to play favorites. "The idea is to spend as much time with each one as possible, to avoid any jealousy," recommends Sylvie Jenaly. The French Super Nanny regularly observes "the extent to which older children suffer from this lack of equal treatment." In her opinion, it's important to explain to the older child why his or her little brother or sister needs more attention, without depriving them of it.

Photo: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Take care of yourself!

This last piece of advice is rarely given to young parents but very important! Taking breaks and time for yourself is necessary to better manage everyday life. So treat yourself from time to time, by allowing yourself outings with friends, a shopping session, or simply a calm and relaxing afternoon. For example, you can leave your children with their grandparents or with a babysitter to enjoy these moments just for you.