Duggar Drama Continues: Jana flies to California after pleading guilty to child endangerment

A return to normal
Jana travelled with her mother and brothers to visit sister Jinger
Jason Duggar shared photos of the family trip
James Duggar also shared pictures of the trip on Instagram
Fans were surprised to see Michelle visiting Jinger
Is there a rift between Jinger and her father Jim Bob Duggar?
Jim Bob
Duggar Drama
Fans were shocked
Jana chose to plead guilty
Did she change her plea after what happened to Josh Duggar?
Endangering the welfare of a minor
Child welfare investigated
A stressful time for the Duggar family
Josh's conviction divided the family
What do Josh's parents and siblings think about his crimes?
Jill & Derick Dillard
A strong statement
Amy King
Veiled references...
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar
They will do all they can to support Josh's wife and kids
Jessa and Ben Seewald
Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo
Jason Duggar
Joy-Anna Forsyth
Joy wanted to hear the evidence for herself...
A return to normal

Just weeks after pleading guilty to child endangerment Jana Duggar has returned to her everyday life, leaving her legal troubles behind.

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

Jana travelled with her mother and brothers to visit sister Jinger

Jana, along with her younger brothers Jason and James (pictured) Duggar and her mother Michelle, took a trip together to visit Jinger Vuolo (née Duggar) and her family in California.

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

Jason Duggar shared photos of the family trip

Jana's younger brother Jason Duggar (pictured) shared photos of the group's journey on his Instagram account along with the caption: “Life is a journey, not a destination” – Ralph Emerson

Photo: Instagram@jaseduggar

James Duggar also shared pictures of the trip on Instagram

James Duggar shared a video of the siblings reuniting with Jinger and her husband, Jeremy Vuolo (pictured), and a small tour of the couple's Californian backyard.

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

Fans were surprised to see Michelle visiting Jinger

Some fans were quite surprised to see that Michelle Duggar was still welcome in Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's home. In particular because Jinger was one of the first Duggar siblings to publicly condemn her brother Josh Duggar's actions when he was convicted for possessing inappropriate images of children.

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

Is there a rift between Jinger and her father Jim Bob Duggar?

Others noted the absence of Jinger's father, Jim Bob Duggar. Fans speculate that perhaps there is bad blood between Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo and Jim Bob Duggar.

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

Jim Bob "couldn't recall" the abuse of his daughters in court

It is rumored that Jim Bob Duggar paid for Josh's defense attorney. In addition, in court, he claimed he could not recall if his oldest son had abused his younger sisters as a teen, yet Jim Bob spoke about the incident on national television a few years ago.

Photo: Instagram@duggarfam

Duggar Drama

From Josh Duggar's initial arrest, to his convinction, to Jana's child endangerment case, and sibling speaking out against their brother Josh's crimes....the past 12 months have been filled with Duggar drama. Click on to read about Jana's legal woes, and how the Duggar family reacted to Josh Duggar's conviction.

Photo: screenshot The Sun

Fans were shocked

In 2021, Jana Duggar, Josh Duggar's younger sister, received a child endangerment citation. Fans were shocked that the former star of '19 Kids and Counting' received such a charge, as she has been caring for younger siblings and nieces and nephews for years.

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

Jana chose to plead guilty

However, unlike her brother Josh, Jana decided to plead guilty to the charge and settle outside court. According to PEOPLE magazine, a clerk confirmed that Jana Duggar must pay an $880 fine after pleading guilty to child endangerment.

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

Did she change her plea after what happened to Josh Duggar?

In September of 2021, when 31-year-old Jana Duggar received the citation, she initially pleaded not guilty. Perhaps, after seeing all her brother, Josh Duggar, went through, she decided it would be simpler to settle out of court.

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

Endangering the welfare of a minor

According to a court document PEOPLE magazine obtained, Duggar was charged with 'endangering the welfare of a minor.' However, the magazine reported that the circumstances of the incident were not specified. When the news of her charge broke, Jana shared what had happened on her Instagram Story a few days later.

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

"...everything we do is open to public criticism"

Jana wrote, "I'm only sharing this because the media has been having a field day with it all. I prefer a more private life, but I know my last name means that everything we do is open to public criticism and interest, especially during this time."

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

"...one of the children wandered outside alone."

Duggar then went on to give fans "the raw facts" regarding the incident:
"I was babysitting a few months ago when one of the children wandered outside alone. A passerby who saw the child called the police. This resulted in a written citation, as well as a follow-up with child welfare who concluded that it was an accident and the child was unharmed."

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

Child welfare investigated

"They recognized it was a case of a child slipping out of the house when you turn your back for a moment. It all happened so quickly and was scary. I am grateful for law enforcement and those who protect and serve our community," she went on.

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

"I was just upset at myself"

"I was certainly never arrested like some may have implied. In the end, I was just upset at myself that it had happened at all but so thankful it all ended safely, and that's truly what mattered most to me."

Photo: Instagram@janamduggar

A stressful time for the Duggar family

Jana Duggar's legal woes have just been one of many problems the Duggar family has been faced with over the past year. Undoubtedly, the biggest problem was Josh Duggar's arrest and conviction for posession CSAM.

Photo: TLC

Josh's conviction divided the family

According to an article published by In Touch magazine, Josh Duggar's conviction has been "tearing apart" the Duggar family. The magazine spoke to an anonymous insider who said Josh's "siblings have chosen to withdraw from his wife, Anna Duggar."

Photo: Screenshot TLC's '19 Kids and Counting'

"...a lot of the siblings have distanced themselves."

The source said, "Anna is still speaking to Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar, but a lot of the siblings have distanced themselves." The insider continued, "She was upset that some family members decided to speak out against Josh. That broke her heart."

Photo: Instagram@duggarfam

What do Josh's parents and siblings think about his crimes?

All eyes were on the sizeable Duggar family following Josh Duggar's guilty verdict. Fans of the show '19 Kids and Counting' were curious to see how the ultra-conservative Christian family reacted to the very un-Christian-like crimes that Josh Duggar was found guilty of committing.

Jill & Derick Dillard

Derick Dillard, Josh Duggar's brother-in-law, married to Jill Dillard (née Duggar), attended all of Josh's trial. On the day the verdict was released, Jill joined her husband in the courtroom to learn her brother's fate. Jill could not attend all of the trial as she was on a potential witness list.

A strong statement

The Dillard's were the first of the Duggar family to release a statement regarding Josh's guilty verdict. The couple released an official statement on their family blog on December 9th. First, the couple wrote that their "hearts go out to the victims of child abuse or any kind of exploitation.”

"Nobody is above the law."

They then went on to discuss Josh's actions, writing, “nobody is above the law. It applies equally to everybody, no matter your wealth, status, associations, gender, race, or any other factor. Today, the people of the Western District of Arkansas made that clear in their verdict. As a Christian, we believe we are all equal at the foot of the cross, and, likewise, we are all equal under the law.”

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

"We have been lied to so much..."

Derick and Jill have two young children of their own and have been distancing themselves from the extreme ways of the Duggar family and Jill's parents over the past several years. In the statement, the couple also said, “ We have been lied to so much that we wanted to hear the evidence for ourselves in court. After seeing all the evidence as it was presented, we believe that the jury reached a just verdict today, consistent with the truth beyond a reasonable doubt."

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

"This trial has felt more like a funeral..."

Finally, the Dillard's also wrote, "Our hearts are sensitive to the pains Josh’s wife, Anna, and their seven children have already endured and will continue to process in the future. This trial has felt more like a funeral than anything else. Josh’s family has a long road ahead."

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

Amy King

Amy King (née Duggar) also released a statement on December 9th regarding Josh's conviction. Amy is Jim Bob Duggar's sister Deeana's daughter and is Josh's cousin. She appeared on '19 Kids and Counting' sporadically over the years.


"May people..have their eyes opened for the first time."

King wrote, “May the jurors and Judge Brooks seek healing/counseling from all that was exposed to them. May the children grow up with real Godly men as father figures who will guide and protect them. May the people who were once in disbelief have their eyes opened for the first time.”


Veiled references...

King went on to make references to the "abused daughters" and her hopes for recovery for all involved.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

Josh's parents Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar, also released a statement regarding their son's conviction on their family blog. Josh's parents have always forgiven him for all of his transgressions and defended him to the public.

Photo: Instagram@duggarfam



"...a grievous ordeal"

Jim Bob and Michelle wrote, "This entire ordeal has been very grievous. Today, God’s grace, through the love and prayers of so many, has sustained us. Our hearts and prayers are with anyone who has ever been harmed through CSAM."

Photo: Instagram@duggarfam

They will do all they can to support Josh's wife and kids

They then went on to state that they would support Josh's wife and children: "In the days ahead, we will do all we can to surround our daughter-in-law Anna and their children with love and support."

Photo: Instagram@annaduggar

"We will never stop praying for Joshua"

The Duggar parents also said, "As parents, we will never stop praying for Joshua, and loving him, as we do all of our children. In each of life’s circumstances, we place our trust in God. He is our source of strength and refuge. Thank you for your prayers."

Photo: Instagram@duggarfam

Jessa and Ben Seewald

On December 10th, another sibling of Josh's released a statement- Jessa Seewald’s (née Duggar) husband, Ben Seewald. Ben made a statement on his Instagram Stories in which he praised the justice system for their decision.

Photo: Instagram@jessaseewald

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo

Then on December 11th, the Vuolo's shared a statement. Jinger Vuolo is another of Josh's sisters, and she is married to Jeremey Vuolo. Along with Derick and Jill, they are among those in the family who have harshly publicly condemned Josh Duggar for his crimes.

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

"We are saddened for the victims..."

In a lengthy statement that both Jinger and Jeremy released on their Instagram accounts the couple said, “As we are processing this week’s events, several thoughts have come to mind that we feel are important to share. We are saddened for the victims..... We are also saddened for Josh’s family, his wife and precious children."

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

"For Josh, we fear for his soul.”

The Vuolo's then indicated in their statement that they believe that Josh is both a hypocrite and not a faithful Christian: "Josh claims to be a Christian. When a professing follower of Jesus is exposed as a hypocrite, the response of many will be to challenge the integrity of Jesus himself. They’ll question the legitimacy of a Savior whose so-called followers privately delight in the sins they publicly denounce. This is why the Apostle Paul told religious hypocrites that ‘the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you’ (Romans 2:24). For Josh, we fear for his soul.”

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

"We are grateful that God is a God of justice....."

Despite everything, the couple went on to say they are grateful that God is just: “Yet, amidst our sadness, there is gratitude. We are grateful that God is a God of justice who cares for the innocent and the helpless. And, of all the people in this world, he especially loves children, who are among the most vulnerable."

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

"It is an evil that God hates..."

They also said that the crimes that Josh is guilty of (receiving and possessing inappropriate images of minors) are "one of the most horrific evils imaginable. It is an evil God hates.” Jinger and Jeremy concluded their statement by saying, “We are thankful to God for exposing Josh’s actions and to a legal system committed to protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty in this case. We are grateful for justice. We are praying for further justice, vindication, protection, and healing for all those who have been wronged.”

Photo: Instagram@jingervuolo

Jason Duggar

Fans were surprised to see that Jason Duggar, Josh's younger brother shared Jinger's statement on his own Instagram account with the comment, "Well said."

Photo: Instagram@jaseduggar

Joy-Anna Forsyth

Joy-Anna, one of Josh's younger sisters, married to Austin Forsyth, shared a statement on her Instagram stories on December 12th. Joy-Anna wrote, "Over this last year, as you can imagine, there have been a lot of unanswered questions in our minds regarding Josh."

Photo: Instagram@joy4site

Joy wanted to hear the evidence for herself...

It seems it was important for Joy to hear things for herself and not through her parents: "We were able to sit through the trial to hear the evidence for ourselves. We agree with the judicial system's verdict, and we are thankful for the men and women who work tirelessly to protect children....Our hearts break for all CSAM victims. We are praying for Anna and her children."

Photo: Instagram@joy4site