Elon Musk on Twitter: his most bizarre tweets

The king of Twitter... or is he?
Extremely powerful and extremely impulsive
The Coca-Cola Formula
McDonald's and Facebook in the spotlight
His alter ego
Teen humor
Attack the physique of others?
Another Gates 'joke' from Musk
More humor from Elon Musk
Challenge to Putin
Tweeters, what do you think of Twitter?
He's also a political scientist
Neither extreme left nor extreme right
Weird promises
Serious tampering with stock prices
If not CEO, then president?
His hero in 2020: Kanye West
The king of Twitter... or is he?

In something of a rollercoaster, both on the stock market and on social media, Elon Musk offered to buy Twitter for an unimaginable amount of money. Then he got second thoughts and started asking questions. He even seemed to call the whole thing off. But the saga is far from over.



Extremely powerful and extremely impulsive

Whether he will own Twitter or not, we know for sure that Musk is an eccentric and impulsive man who always sends out extraordinary tweets.

The Coca-Cola Formula

"Next I'm going to buy Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in."

This is Elon Musk getting cocky after he bought Twitter.

McDonald's and Facebook in the spotlight

He had similar plans for other iconic brands:

"Now I'm going to buy McDonald's and fix all of the ice cream machines..."


"Now I'm going to buy Facebook and delete it haha"

Buying Facebook and deleting it seems a lot easier than fixing all the ice cream machines at McDonald's, by the way. So he added: "Listen, I can't do miracles ok."

His alter ego

One of his first tweets, back in 2010, made a curious statement. "Please ignore prior tweets, as that was someone pretending to be me 🙂 This is actually me."

There was an account was impersonating him. But it could also have been a moment of self-analysis.

Teen humor

Elon Musk is one of the wealthiest guys on earth, but he sounds like a teenager sometimes.

"Am thinking of starting new university," he tweeted. "Texas Institute of Technology & Science"

With the first letter of each word together, the university would have "epic merch," Musk said. Hoodies, T-shirts, and caps with those letters on them - yes, real mature.

Attack the physique of others?

And then there's that time when Elon Musk decided to attack Bill Gates for his apparent weight gain. That's a very cheap shot. Many responded to Musk's tweet asking if he had ever looked in a mirror himself.



Another Gates 'joke' from Musk

"The rumor that Bill Gates & I are lovers is completely untrue"

More humor from Elon Musk

Professional comedians may not agree on the effectiveness of jokes like this. But who knows, we wouldn't see it past Musk to start a new career as a stand-up comedian...

Challenge to Putin

Elon Musk thinks he can do anything. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he has shown his support for the besieged country. In fact, Musk even dared to directly attack Vladimir Putin. In words, then.

The translation of the message is a challenge to Putin for a fist fight.

Tweeters, what do you think of Twitter?

When Elon Musk asked, in March 2022, if he should change something on Twitter, few people could imagine that he was thinking of buying the social network.

"Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, falling to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy.

What should be done?

Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy.

Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?

Is a new platform needed?"

This is Elon's tactic of market research.

"Buy Twitter, Elon"

Among those who encouraged him to buy Twitter, with a pioneering vision, was Ryan Petersen, CEO of Flexport.

"That would be a waste of money," Paul Graham responded. "A decent team could reverse engineer a version 1 in a month."

Mind you, we're chatting about billions in investments here.

He's also a political scientist

With this scheme of primary drawings, Elon Musk wanted to explain how (according to him) he has distanced himself from the American left because it has become radicalized. The curious thing is that Musk did not perceive the American right to be hostage to Trump, religious conservatism, and Qanon, drawing it to another extreme.

Neither extreme left nor extreme right

Elon Musk assures his followers that he wants to distance himself from both the extreme left and the extreme right, and he thinks Twitter should stay in that same lane:

"For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally."

Weird promises

Elon Musk surprised his girlfriend when he said: "I am selling almost all physical possessions. Will own no house."

Of course, the billions of dollars in stock and other assets, those he will keep.

Serious tampering with stock prices

This wasn't just a strange tweet, but it got Elon Musk in trouble with the SEC. Causing stock to rise or fall on the market by making statements on Twitter as the company's CEO, that's just something you can't do.

If not CEO, then president?

Elon Musk for US president may seem difficult, given he is South African, but don't be fooled: the richest man in the world also got his hands on a Canadian and American passport.

His hero in 2020: Kanye West

To give you an idea of his state of mind when it comes to politics, here we show you that he supported the rapper Kanye West in his hopeless quest to become the president of the United States in 2020.