The detox juice cure: good or bad idea?

Juicing, a fashionable cure
What is a detox cure?
3 types of detox cure
What is a detox juice?
Celebrity followers of the detox cure
A  juicy business
What does the treatment consist of?
What are the effects on your body?
Toxins in our body
Purify our body
The positive effects
Possible reactions
When to do your detox cure?
Does the juice cure make you lose weight?
Can a detox cure be dangerous for our health?
Before the treatment, prepare your body
During the treatment, drink water
During the cure, no sports
After the cure, keep a healthy diet
The juice cleanse is not for everyone
A medical opinion is necessary
Juicing, a fashionable cure

You have probably heard of the detox juice cure, which has been a trend for several years now. But do you know how to follow it correctly? Do you really know its benefits? Its risks? Let's have a look at a sometimes controversial 'wellness' fashion.

What is a detox cure?

As its name suggests, the detox cure is mainly used to detoxify the system and feel better in the body. This dietary program can take various forms and its duration varies according to the objectives and recommendations of doctors and naturopaths.

3 types of detox cure

There are several ways, more or less radical, to follow a detox cure. One of the best-known is fasting, which consists of not eating or drinking anything for a day. There is also the mono diet (e.g., banana or grape), which consists of eating only one type of food at will for one or several days. Finally, the juice cure consists of drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies, without eating anything on the side, for one or more days. It is this last cure that interests us today.

What is a detox juice?

Detox juice is a drink made from fruits and vegetables, which can be bought on the market or easily made at home if you have a blender or a juice extractor. There is often cabbage, beets, celery, lemon, cucumber, carrot, apples, kiwi, or even ginger, but the list is long.

Celebrity followers of the detox cure

If detox juice cures are so trendy now, it's probably because many celebrities have become its advocates. Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Emma Roberts and even Jennifer Lopez popularized "green juices". Actress Salma Hayek, meanwhile, created her own line of smoothies.

A juicy business

Seeing the growing interest in detox juices, many entrepreneurs have entered the market. Juice bars have multiplied in town, and companies like Juice Lab, Detox, Detox Delight, and Boju have made it their specialty.

What does the treatment consist of?

The juice detox involves drinking a bottle of juice every two or three hours during your day and eating nothing on the side. This cure can have beneficial effects on your body from day one. In fact, there is no need to venture into a cure of more than three days, especially if you are a beginner.

What are the effects on your body?

There are many of them. But before looking at it in detail, we must first understand how our body works.

Toxins in our body

To stay healthy, our bodies naturally remove toxins from the air and the food we eat. To do so, our liver, our skin, our lungs, our kidneys, and our intestines, called emunctories, work tirelessly.

Purify our body

By limiting ourselves to drinking only "green juices" for a certain time, our bodies will be able to rest. They will then get rid of excess substances to regenerate.

The positive effects

This detoxification of our body strengthens our immune system, puts our digestive system at rest, and fills us up with energy and vitality. Benefits that our body will appreciate after a period of excess.

Possible reactions

During a juice detox, it is possible to have several reactions, such as fatigue, rashes, and headaches. But according to professionals, these reactions are good because they are signs that our body is eliminating toxins.

When to do your detox cure?

It is advisable to do detox cures when the seasons change. For example, follow a cure at the beginning of spring, and you will eliminate the excesses of winter. It is also necessary to find a favorable period in your schedule; it's pointless to start your treatment two days before your birthday, for example.

Does the juice cure make you lose weight?

Yes and no. The first goal of the juice cleanse is to detoxify the body. Reducing calorie intake also leads to weight loss, but mainly in the muscles and water, not in fat. By resuming your eating habits, you will naturally regain your mass.

Can a detox cure be dangerous for our health?

The shorter the duration of the cure, the less danger it poses to our health. On the other hand, in the medium or long term, it can present risks of deficiency or muscle wasting. That's why it's important not to overdo it.

Before the treatment, prepare your body

Before starting a juice cleanse, reduce the consumption of fatty and sugary foods. Your body will then have less waste to eliminate during the cure.

During the treatment, drink water

Drink water regularly during your juice cleanse. This will allow your body to boost the elimination of toxins stored in it. You can also drink natural infusions in the evening, preferably without sugar.

During the cure, no sports

You will be considerably lacking in energy during your detox juice cure. More than usual, you will need rest. During this period, put your exercise routine on hold.

After the cure, keep a healthy diet

At the end of your cure, however short it may be, you may want to grab a good burger or a 5-cheese pizza. Try to resist that! Instead, opt for a balanced and healthy diet, at least during the first days following your cure.

The juice cleanse is not for everyone

The juice cure is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, adolescents, the elderly, diabetics, people with kidney disease, or even people who are dealing with fatigue. More generally, it is essential to be in good health before following any restrictive food program.

A medical opinion is necessary

A detox cure is not an innocuous treatment for our bodies. It is important to seek the advice of a doctor or nutritionist before you start!