This will happen in 2024 according to a man who says he's a 'time traveler'

A bleak 2024
The worst year in history for natural disasters
A powerful start to the year
Tornado F6
Over 50,000 casualties
Farewell to Hungary
Two months of dust
But there will also be contact with other civilizations
Warnings from 'The Others'
9.8 on the Richter Scale
Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other devastations
SpaceX travels at the speed of light
Human evolution
Time (and common sense) will tell
A bleak 2024

Nostradamus has competition, and it's coming on strong. Meet Eno Alaric, the 'time traveler' who claims to come from the future to warn us about what's ahead. And, according to him, 2024 is looking pretty grim.

The worst year in history for natural disasters

Through social media, especially TikTok, this intriguing character asserts that he has traveled from the year 2671 to warn us that 2024 will be "the worst year in history in terms of natural disasters."

A powerful start to the year

Based on information from this guy 'from the year 2671,' between February and April of 2024, there will be up to three unprecedented natural catastrophes.

Tornado F6

The first of them has a specific date: February 17, 2024, the day when Houston will suffer the 'first F6 tornado' in history.

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Over 50,000 casualties

According to Eno Alaric, this unprecedented tornado will be "over 12 miles (19.3 km) wide and could potentially destroy almost the entire city," claiming the lives of more than 50,000 people.

Farewell to Hungary

In the same month, February 2024, Hungary will supposedly vanish, transforming into a forest overnight. Yep, just like that.

Photo: Unsplash - Isaac Quesada


A month later, on March 20, 2024, the time traveler foresees the possibility of a one-mile-high sandstorm in the Mid-East of the United States.

Two months of dust

The storm, extending from Missouri to North Carolina, might last for two months, possibly until the end of May.

But there will also be contact with other civilizations

In January, we Earthlings should also expect a message from the underground civilization known as "The Spitting Word," according to the time traveler. When we go to check the civilisation out, they will want to go to war.

Warnings from 'The Others'

In March, Eno Alaric warns that during a meteor shower, one meteor will bring a message from 'The Others,' aliens seeking to invade and destroy Earth.

9.8 on the Richter Scale

The drama doesn't end there, as on April 2, 2023, there will be 'a 9.8 magnitude earthquake named Big John on the San Andreas Fault,' lasting for 45 minutes.

Photo: Unsplash - Chandler Cruttenden

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Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other devastations

According to Eno Alaric, the earthquake would leave several cities, including San Francisco and Los Angeles, in ruins, and generate a massive tsunami, 750 feet (533 meters) high, devastating the entire California coast.

Photo: Unsplash - Jonah Brown

SpaceX travels at the speed of light

On April 15, Elon Musk's company SpaceX is also going to find out how to travel at the speed of light, he predicts. Of course, once we start meeting the aliens they will want to steal the lightspeed engine from us.

Human evolution

In June, he predicts the birth of the first baby with new organs, such as a tail and longer ears, marking the next step in human evolution in the summer of 2024.

Photo: Unsplash - Jonathan Cooper


And that's not the only new species, as the summer of 2024 will witness the discovery of up to 50 new types of dragons, 27-meter-long snakes, and nearly one-meter-long spiders.

Photo: Unsplash - David Clode

Time (and common sense) will tell

Whether for better or worse, Eno Alaric's predictions have an expiration date and will be easily verifiable. And if you are worried, just check his 2023 predictions... they weren't exactly on the nose.

Photo: Unsplash - Shawn Lee

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