Where's whiskers? Test your skills and find the cat in these pictures!

Where's whiskers? Can you find the cat in these photos?
Look for the sun
Where's whiskers?
Don't beat yourself up
Where's whiskers?
In plain sight
Where's whiskers?
La foto es increíble
Where's whiskers?
Always look in the bag
Where's whiskers?
From such great heights
Where's whiskers?
The king of hide and seek.
Where's whiskers?
In the thicket
Where's whiskers?
Welcome home?
Where's whiskers?
Safety railings? No match for a cat!
Where's whiskers?
Don't squish the kitty!
Where's whiskers?
Did you crack the cat conundrum?
Where's whiskers?
Black cat strikes back!
Where's whiskers?
Under the bed
Where's whiskers?
The million dollar question
Where's whiskers?
Cat or demon?
Where's whiskers?
The infamous Cat-Cam
Where's whiskers?
Always in the closet
Where's whiskers?
Meet you in bed
Where's whiskers?
Needs more practice
Where's whiskers?
Masters of disguise
Where's whiskers?
Master level
Where's whiskers?
From hidden cat to cashier
Where's whiskers?
Adorable overload
Where's whiskers?
Sometimes, the room just doesn't cut it
Where's whiskers?
If only the basket had no holes...
Where's whiskers?
Too many easy-peasy cats lately
Where's whiskers?
Good and bad hideout
Where's whiskers?
He knows exactly what he's doing
Where's whiskers?
Like a magician
Where's whiskers?
Asleep and hidden
Where's whiskers?
Days without a peep from Mr. Whiskers
Where's whiskers?
We warned you earlier
Where's whiskers?
Close but no cigar
Where's whiskers?
It's all in the eyes
Where's whiskers?
The low-ground theory
Where's whiskers?
The ultimate hideout
Where's whiskers?
Tree or cat
Where's whiskers?
Did you spot the cat?
Where's whiskers?
Extreme difficulty
Where's whiskers?
At first glance
Where's whiskers?
Hide-and-seek meets art
Where's whiskers?
Who said it was inside?
Where's whiskers?
Where's whiskers?
Where there's a box...
Where's whiskers?
Simple yet super effective
Where's whiskers?
The Christmas cat
Where's whiskers?
The avenging cat
Where's whiskers?
Did you find him?
Where's whiskers?
Hiding in the shadows
Where's whiskers? Can you find the cat in these photos?

Deceptively simple, yet head-scratchingly complex. Each photo is a new stage in the ultimate game of feline hide-and-seek. Feeling brave? Time yourself on each photo for an added thrill. If the cat keeps playing invisible, no stress – the reveal is just one photo away.

Look for the sun

Sometimes, to find a cat, the best trick is to look where the sun is shining.

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Where's whiskers?

In this picture, a cat lurks. Can you spot it? This is ninja-level difficulty.

Don't beat yourself up

Feeling stumped? Don't beat yourself up – it was a tough one. If you found the cat, pat yourself on the back; this was among the trickiest.

Where's whiskers?

Less might be more, but here, simplicity intertwines with fascination.

In plain sight

Sometimes, blending into the scenery can be the most effective camouflage.

Where's whiskers?

This might be the toughest challenge in our entire collection. It's okay if you can't spot the cat; just keep your cool.

La foto es increíble

And just for the record, no, the cat wasn't a snack for some pixelated Super Mario plant. All's well in the land of stealthy kitties.

Where's whiskers?

Things are getting trickier.... or are they?

Always look in the bag

Remember, if there's a cozy spot like a bag or a box in the picture, that's your cue. Cats can't resist a good hidey-hole.

Where's whiskers?

The kitchens are ideal spots for cats to rest unbothered.

From such great heights

From its lofty lookout, it also judges the culinary efforts below.

Where's whiskers?

Military-grade camouflage.

The king of hide and seek.

While they aren't chameleons, they might as well be sometimes!

Where's whiskers?

We'll admit, this is another tough one.

In the thicket

Another example of camo that is worthy of Darwin's study.

Where's whiskers?

This one is simple, but maybe not. Once you find it, you'll be mad at yourself for not finding it sooner!

Welcome home?

Don't assume a door-greeting cat means a warm welcome. More likely than not, you'll receive a less-than-friendly hiss if you're not on the guest list.

Where's whiskers?

Blending in.. kind of.

Safety railings? No match for a cat!

This one's partly hidden but not entirely invisible. It's a subtle game of now you see me, now you don't. Just please kitty, be careful.

Where's whiskers?

Too obvious?

Don't squish the kitty!

Sometimes, the most apparent hiding spots are the ones we overlook, and then sit on.

Where's whiskers?

Finding this cat might take a moment, or it might take an hour.

Did you crack the cat conundrum?

If you've spotted the cat, take a moment to bask in your detective glory – this was no small feat. Missed it? No problem, the game's not over yet.

Where's whiskers?

If it looks like a cat... it probably is.

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Black cat strikes back!

Sometimes, what seems to be a rock or a shadow might just be a lounging feline enjoying its slice of paradise.

Where's whiskers?

Another feline classic in the world of hide and seek.

Under the bed

Both on and beneath the bed are prime real estate for cats looking to escape from the world they so love to loathe.

Where's whiskers?

It's so easy... once you've found him!

The million dollar question

When you finally spot the cat, everyone asks the same question: How long has it been there, and what secrets has it witnessed?

Where's whiskers?

If Beelzebub had a cat, it might just be this one.

Cat or demon?

When you find the cat, imagine the jump scares its family must've had seeing those glowing eyes in the dark.

Where's whiskers?

They're watching and you'll never know.

The infamous Cat-Cam

Who needs a security camera when you have a cat monitoring the neighborhood all day?

Where's whiskers?

This room is a hide-and-seek paradise for cats.

Always in the closet

Just like in horror movies, with cats, it's always a good bet to check the closet. You'll be right 90% of the time.

Where's whiskers?

Another easy but adorable one...

Meet you in bed

Let's face it, there’s nothing like heading to your bed to find your cat already waiting to snuggle up.

Where's whiskers?

A rookie in the hide-and-seek league.

Needs more practice

He's just getting started in the noble art of hiding. He's eager, but he's got a long way to go.

Where's whiskers?

This cat is a challenge to find.

Masters of disguise

Its ability to blend into the surroundings is nothing short of incredible.

Where's whiskers?

Seek, and then tidy up.

Master level

Think a tidier room would have made the cat easier to find? Think again.

Where's whiskers?

This is a good one!

From hidden cat to cashier

The last thing you expect is to walk into a store and be greeted by a cat.

Where's whiskers?

If I close my eyes, they won't find me.

Adorable overload

This hiding spot is like when little kids cover their eyes and think they're invisible. This cat just better be careful about getting stepped on.

Where's whiskers?

If it looks like a cat's tail...

Sometimes, the room just doesn't cut it

...it's definitely a cat.

Where's whiskers?

Progress report: satisfactory.

If only the basket had no holes...

It might have been an epic hiding spot, but alas, it's not.

Where's whiskers?

Shall we up the ante?

Too many easy-peasy cats lately

Did you manage to find the Microsoft cat? Because it's been using Windows.

Where's whiskers?
Good and bad hideout

It's one of those spots where you could be spotted instantly or remain undiscovered for hours.

Where's whiskers?

Is there really a cat here? Yes, there is.

He knows exactly what he's doing

The cat knows it's in plain sight but also out of view. Another master of disguise.

Where's whiskers?

Playing the misdirection game.

Like a magician

They know humans tend to look up, so they go low.

Where's whiskers?

Finding this cat might take a minute.

Asleep and hidden

It might just blend into the plant after lounging there for hours.

Where's whiskers?

How long has that cat been there?

Days without a peep from Mr. Whiskers

Turns out he's been chilling on top of the microwave, soaking up the leftover warmth.

Where's whiskers?

Where are you looking?

We warned you earlier

Cats love the lower life; they know we're always scanning the horizon.

Where's whiskers?

A quick and easy hiding spot...

Close but no cigar

But the photo leaves no room for error.

Where's whiskers?

This one might take a while and cause some serious head-scratching.

It's all in the eyes

But spotting a cat's eyes in this setup? Not so straightforward.

Where's whiskers?

Not two without three

The low-ground theory

Not only has it gone undercover, but it's also in ambush mode.

Where's whiskers?

Hide-and-seek on a grand scale.

The ultimate hideout

That cat could have been in position for years, and many would still be clueless about its whereabouts.

Where's whiskers?

This hideout has a tiny flaw.

Tree or cat

Either the tree's too thin, or the cat's too chunky. Either way, it was on the right track.

Where's whiskers?

If you find it, you'll laugh.

Did you spot the cat?

Bet you've never seen a cat rolling up to a drive-thru in a car!

Where's whiskers?

Extreme difficulty.

Extreme difficulty

It's not just about their hiding spots; it's how they use their environment to blend in. Genius.

Where's whiskers?

Seemingly easy but deceptively complex.

At first glance

Yes, the cat's right there in the foreground, staring at you, but it takes a hot minute to register its presence.

Where's whiskers?

Nice trick, Mr. Whiskers.

Hide-and-seek meets art

Could it be that the cat in the painting is the same one hiding behind it? The Dorian Gray of cats.

Where's whiskers?

Look in the right place.

Who said it was inside?

If a cat has never popped up at your window, you're probably living too high up.

Where's whiskers?

Another easy one, unless it gets tricky.


Those shelves are a red herring. Another distraction!

Where's whiskers?

Another one we warned you about.

Where there's a box...

If a cat fits, it sits. Whatever it is.

Where's whiskers?

Camouflage, soldier style.

Simple yet super effective

Many might have walked through that room without noticing Mr. Whiskers' stealthy presence.

Where's whiskers?

Shall we open the gifts?

The Christmas cat

Tucked away to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus.

Where's whiskers?

If you feel like you're being watched, you probably are.

The avenging cat

Good or bad, those penetrating cat eyes are something else.

Where's whiskers?

Seems easy, right?

Did you find him?

Anyone who says a cat can't fit there has clearly never owned a cat.

Where's whiskers?

Another example of stealth and cunning.

Hiding in the shadows

Sometimes, the shadows are a cat's best friend.

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