Countries with the lowest temperatures ever recorded

Extreme cold in a world experiencing climate change
Antarctica: -89.2ºC / -128.6ºF
Russia: -68ºC / -90ºF
Greenland: -66.1ºC / -87ºF
Canada: -63ºC / -81ºF
United States: -62ºC / -80ºF
China: -52.3º C / 62.1º F
Finland: -51.5ºC / -60.7ºF
Italy: -48.3ºC /  -54.9ºF
Turkey: -46.4ºC / -51.5ºF
Germany: -45.9ºC / -50.6ºF
Nepal: -45ºC / -49ºF
Czech Republic: -42.2ºC / -44ºF
Argentina: -39ºC  / -38.2ºF
Austria: -37.4ºC / -38.6ºF
Chile: -37ºC  / -34.6ºF
Spain: -32ºC  / -25.6ºF
Morocco: -24ºC  / -11ºF
Australia: -23ºC / -9.4ºF
South Africa: -20.1ºC  / -4.2ºF
Brazil: -14ºC  / 6.8ºF
Extreme cold in a world experiencing climate change

Climate change is not just about warm weather. In fact, it causes the extremes of both hot and cold temperatures to become stronger and the places where record cold or heat occurs more and more diverse. The World Meteorological Organization compiled a list of minimum temperature records around the world, and some of its countries are the ones you least expected.

Antarctica: -89.2ºC / -128.6ºF

Temperature recorded in Dome A (in the Eastern Antarctic)

Russia: -68ºC / -90ºF

Temperature recorded in the republic of Sakha, a part of the Russian Federation that is located in Asia.

Greenland: -66.1ºC / -87ºF

Temperature measured in North Ice

Canada: -63ºC / -81ºF

Temperature recorded in Yukon

United States: -62ºC / -80ºF

Temperature measured in Alaska

China: -52.3º C / 62.1º F

Temperature recorded in Mohe County. The town of Mohe is the northernmost city of China.

Finland: -51.5ºC / -60.7ºF

Temperature recorded in Lapland

Italy: -48.3ºC / -54.9ºF

Temperature recorded in the Dolomites mountain range

Turkey: -46.4ºC / -51.5ºF

Temperature measured in Van

Germany: -45.9ºC / -50.6ºF

Temperature recorded in the Berchtesgaden National Park in Bavaria

Nepal: -45ºC / -49ºF

Temperature registered in Mount Everest.

Czech Republic: -42.2ºC / -44ºF

Temperature recorded in Litvínovice, Bohemia region

Argentina: -39ºC / -38.2ºF

Temperature recorded in the province of San Juán, in the Upper Patos Valley (the Andean Valley of the Ducks, on the border of Argentina and Chile)

Austria: -37.4ºC / -38.6ºF

Temperature recorded in the Austrian Alps

Chile: -37ºC / -34.6ºF

Temperature recorded in the Aysén region (of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo)

Spain: -32ºC / -25.6ºF

Temperature recorded in the Catalan Pyrenees, at Lake Gento

Morocco: -24ºC / -11ºF

Temperature recorded in Ifrán, a town in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains

Australia: -23ºC / -9.4ºF

Temperature recorded in New South Wales, Charlotte Pass

South Africa: -20.1ºC / -4.2ºF

Temperature recorded in the Eastern Cape

Brazil: -14ºC / 6.8ºF

Temperature measured in the region of Santa Catarina, in the town of Caçador

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