Foods you can keep for months (or even years) in your pantry

Durable foods
In times of need
Energy bars
Olive oil
Ground coffee
Cocoa powder
Pickled foods
Butter from nuts
Vegetables in brine
Balsamic vinegar
Maple syrup
Canned fish
Powdered milk
Durable foods

Lockdowns, shortages, transport strikes… Anything can happen nowadays, so we must be prepared and know which foods can be stored (for a long time) without going bad.

In times of need

We're talking about foods that can be stored for months (or even years) in your pantry and that can save lives in case of exceptional circumstances.

Image: John Cameron / Unsplash


And we're also talking about foods that can help you keep a budget by combining the fruits and vegetables of the season with durables that you can use at any time.

Image: Annie Spratt / Unsplash


Honey can be stored for years without going bad. This is due to the small percentage of water it has, which avoids the development of bacteria and microorganisms.

Energy bars

You would rarely think of an energy bar in times of need, but if you take a look at the expiration date, you will see that it can last for months or even years. They are also easy to transport and give you a great energy boost.

Image: Towfiqu Barbhuiya / Unsplash

Olive oil

Apart from being the superior product in the Mediterranean diet, olive oil shouldn't be disregarded as a durable food. It depends on the quality of the oil whether it will last months or years. This has to do with the oils' varying amounts of pH. The less pH, the more time it will last.



Sesame, chia, or poppy seeds are some of the many seeds that can be stored for years. Just be mindful that you'll have to keep them in a dry, dark, and cool place, inside a sealed jar, to avoid bacteria getting to them.

Image: Karolin Baitinger / Unsplash

Ground coffee

For millions of people, this is something they can't go without in their lives. And they're lucky because coffee can last for months. If the package is sealed, it can even last for a year.

Image: Anastasia Eremina / Unsplash

Cocoa powder

A morning alternative is cocoa powder which can last even longer than coffee. This product is very useful to have at home: just add a bit of water or milk and you can already consume it.

Image: Brands People / Unsplash

Pickled foods

Pickled olives, chives, eggplants, or just pickles are some examples of foods that, if you keep them in their original container, can last a long time in your pantry.

Image: Marius Haakestad / Unsplash


Regular white rice can be good five years after you bought it. According to the US Agriculture Department, if you keep the rice in vacuum packaging, it can even last for thirty years.

Image: Pierre Bamin / Unsplash


Whether it is a recommended ingredient or not in our diets, sugar's expiration date is indefinite. You just have to make sure to keep it in a sealed crystal jar and in a dark and dry place, away from any humidity.

Image: Myriam Zilles / Unsplash


Oats are a very paradigmatic case: not only do they last for a long time, but they are also really filling. You can keep them for a year if they are in a hermetic container and in a fresh and dry space.

Image: Jocelyn Morales / Unsplash


These exceptional ingredients don't have an expiration date, but just a recommended consumption period. Therefore, lentils, beans, and chickpeas are a must in your pantry.

Image: Shelley Pauls / Unsplash

Butter from nuts

Peanut, cashew, almond, or walnut butter… If the jar is not opened, it can last for five years. Once it has been opened, that period goes down to 9 months. Still, it can be eaten after that, but it will taste a bit odd.

Image: Olia Nayda / Unsplash


Like sugar, salt doesn't expire. Just make sure you keep it in a dry and sealed place.

Image: Lorena Martínez / Pexels

Vegetables in brine

Their conservation processes, using salt water, make them last up to two years. This timeframe is limited once you've opened them, of course.

Image: Little Plant / Unsplash

Balsamic vinegar

This incredible salad dressing can last for four years if unopened. And once you have started using it, the bottle can be used for two years as long as it is perfectly closed and not exposed to heat.

Image: Caroline Atwood / Unsplash

Maple syrup

At room temperature, maple syrup can last around two years. It may not be the cheapest option for many households, but if you already have a bottle at home, you know you can keep using it for a while.

Image: Ed Vazquez / Unsplash


This Italian product made out of corn flour can last a couple of years in your pantry thanks to the small amount of water it contains.

Image: Roberto Sorín / Unsplash

Canned fish

Sardines, mussels, or the classic canned tuna, are the kinds of products that can go for a couple of years and be exactly as good as the first day you bought them. This is due to their sterilization process.

Image: Alla Hetman / Unsplash


A closed package of pasta has an expiration date of two years. If you manage to keep it in a non-humid, cool, and dark place, pasta can even last double that amount of time.

Image: Karolina Kolodziejczak / Unsplash

Powdered milk

Regular bottled milk only lasts for a couple of weeks; however, powdered milk has an expiration date of almost five years. You only need to add water to make yourself a perfect glass of milk.



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