Jill Duggar opens up about her family in a new, shocking book

All the dirty details are coming to light
'Counting the Cost' details Jill's painful journey
Jill and Derick are finally ready to share their truth
An excerpt that is very, very juicy!
An intense meeting with her parents
Jill's mother felt very disrespected
Jim Bob had a bone to pick with his daughter, a former
Jill said Jim Bob verbally abused her
Jill refused to apologize to her father
Jim Bob lost his cool and said Jill was
Jill's father thought she was a bad person for wearing pants
Jill is treated worse than Josh who is in jail
Jill is showing the true nature of her father
Jill has dealt with no boundaries, greed and manipulation
Being on reality tv made Jill's struggles even worse
Jill has been on a long journey
Jill always followed the rules growing up and now is
Jill was a self admitted
Jill began to break Duggar rules
Jill and Derick admitted to using birth control
Jill broke her parents' modesty standards
Jill and Derick even send their kids to public school
A fascinating journey away from fundamentalism
Jill and Derick say they are done keeping the Duggar secrets
A satisfying read for Jill's fans
All the dirty details are coming to light

Jill (Duggar) Dillard's new tell-all memoir 'Counting the Cost' is out, and fans and hate-watchers of '19 Kids and Counting' are thrilled they will finally get the inside scoop about what life growing up in the Duggar household was really like.

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

'Counting the Cost' details Jill's painful journey

Jill Dillard announced the release of her new book with a post on her Instagram account on May 31, writing, "Derick and I would like to announce that we have written a book, "COUNTING THE COST," which details our painful journey as part of the reality-show-filming Duggar family."

Jill and Derick are finally ready to share their truth

The official description of the book reads, "Jill Duggar and her husband Derick are finally ready to share their story, revealing the secrets, manipulation, and intimidation behind the show that remained hidden from their fans."

An excerpt that is very, very juicy!

If you can't wait until your Amazon delivery arrives or until you can make it to the bookstore, fear not! An excerpt obtained by PEOPLE magazine prior to the book's release has some pretty juicy details. Click on to read all about it!

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

An intense meeting with her parents

In the excerpt shared by PEOPLE, Jill describes an intense meeting that she and her husband Derick had with her mother and father, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, after she wrote them a letter.

Photo: screenshot/Shiny Happy People

Jill's mother felt very disrespected

Jill wrote, "There was no scowl on her face, no folded arms. Just a look of pain. The pain of a mama torn by her baby," Jill wrote about her mother, before adding that Michelle said, "'It was the most disrespectful thing I've ever read.'"

Photo: Screenshot TLC, YouTube

Jim Bob had a bone to pick with his daughter, a former "Daddy's girl"

Jill then wrote about how Jim Bob didn't seem to really be listening to them and seemed to only really want to talk about a text message she had sent her parents about the tension in the family "in the hope that it might wake Pops up to how bad I felt things had gotten."

Photo: Instagram@duggarfam

Jill said Jim Bob verbally abused her

Jill added that Jim Bob said," 'You sent me a text message, Jill. You said I was verbally abusing you. I was so offended by that, too. You know in your heart that's not right. Are you going to apologize for that?'"

Photo: screenshot, Fox News

Jill refused to apologize to her father

In the excerpt, Jill explains that she knew she could not apologize for saying her father had verbally abused her because it was true. Jim Bob then said to Jill, in a loud and angry voice, ""You're not going to apologize? Really?""

Photo: screenshot/Shiny Happy People

Jim Bob lost his cool and said Jill was "guilty"

Jill then wrote that her father got up and towered over her in a threatening manner as she cried, saying," 'You know why you're crying, don't you? Your conscience is talking to you. That's why. … You're guilty!'"

Jill's father thought she was a bad person for wearing pants

As her mother cried and her husband tried to defend her, Jill wrote that she found it within herself to stand up to her father, saying, "You want to know why I'm crying? It's that you think I'm some kind of horrible person just because I wear pants and have a nose ring, and yet you see that girl outside and praise her."

Photo: Instagram@jiillmdillard

Jill is treated worse than Josh who is in jail

Jill continued, "That's why I'm crying, Daddy. I'm evolving and changing, just like that girl out there, but you can't see it. You treat me like I'm a prodigal who's turned her back on you. You treat me worse than you treat my p***file brother."

Jill is showing the true nature of her father

On the television show '19 Kids and Counting,' Jim Bob Duggar is portrayed as simple country guy, who loves god and his children, even if he is a little strict. However, it seems that Jill's book is going to give the public a better idea of what having Jim Bob as a dad was really like.

Jill has dealt with no boundaries, greed and manipulation

In her announcement regarding 'Counting the Cost,' Jill Dillard wrote more about her motivation to create this book, "The challenges we have faced, including lack of respect for boundaries, greed, manipulation, and betrayal, are not that much different than what many people in our audience have faced."

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

Being on reality tv made Jill's struggles even worse

Jill is correct; many of her fans have lived through difficult situations themselves, but as the former '19 Kids and Counting' star points out, "15+ years of reality television, undergirded by secrecy and lies, is tantamount to pouring gasoline on the fire of our struggle."

Photo: TLC

"Time, tears, truth, and therapy" have helped to heal Jill's wounds

When announcing the book Jill also said, "Thanks to time, tears, truth, and therapy, God has begun to heal our wounds into scars. Though we would have never chosen this path, and it has cost us dearly, we want to use our voice to show others that there is hope beyond the pain."

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

Jill has been on a long journey

Jill Dillard has had quite the journey to get to the point of being able to speak out about her family and the way she was raised.

Jill always followed the rules growing up and now is "rebelling"

The 32-year-old is the second eldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and was known in the family as the "goody-two-shoes" among the siblings.

Jill was a self admitted "daddy's girl" and towed the family line

Those who watched '19 Kids' and then 'Counting On' saw how Jill towed the family line and did her best to be a good Christian mother, wife and daughter, following the teachings of Bill Gothard's IBLP.

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

Jill began to break Duggar rules

However, as the years have gone by, Jill has had an awakening. She and her husband, Derick Dillard, began to distance themselves from the Duggar clan and break many of the strict rules she was raised to follow.

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

Jill and Derick admitted to using birth control

For example, Jill Dillard has admitted to using birth control in a Q&A on their YouTube channel, something her parents are firmly against (her parents believe God should decide how many children you have).

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

Jill broke her parents' modesty standards

In addition, she started wearing pants, which was against her mother and father's strict modesty standards and even pierced her nose.

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

Jill and Derick even send their kids to public school

Further shocking fans, Jill and Derick, also decided to send their eldest son to public school, which very much goes against IBLP teachings, where home-schooling is highly recommended to protect children from the "bad influences" of the world.

A fascinating journey away from fundamentalism

The description of the book leads us to believe that Jill will be discussing her journey away from her upbringing, which will undoubtedly be very interesting for fans. 

Jill and Derick say they are done keeping the Duggar secrets

"For as long as they could, Jill and Derick tried to be obedient family members — they weren't willing to rock the boat. But now they're raising a family of their own, and they're done with the secrets," reads the book description.

Photo: Instagram@duggarfam

A satisfying read for Jill's fans

'Counting the Cost' will surely be a fascinating and satisfying read for those who have followed Jill Dillard's journey over the years and have been wishing for freedom for the young wife and mother.

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

"Finding healing through honesty"

As the book's description says regarding Jill and Derick's change of heart, "Theirs is a remarkable story of the power of the truth and is a moving example of how to find healing through honesty."

Photo: Instagram@jillmdillard

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