Sam Neill opens up about cancer and his approach to death

No fear of dying
'Did I Ever Tell You This?'
Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
Time to write a memoir
Diagnosis during promotion of 'Jurassic World'
Possibly dying
Chemo didn't work
Another treatment worked
A finite medication
In remission
Bad news that went viral
Reassuring the world
Back to work
Loneliness does weigh on him
This is no time for love (or is it?)
Better memories from the past
The book kept him going
Celebrating life is better than lamenting death
No fear of dying

Sam Neill is not afraid of dying. Nor is the 'Jurassic Park' star thinking about retiring. At 76, with a rare blood cancer, the actor has made a clear choice about the last stage of his life.

'Did I Ever Tell You This?'

In March 2023, at the launch of his memoir, 'Did I Ever Tell You This?', he announced the diagnosis that shocked Hollywood and the world.

Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma

In the book, he said that a year earlier he had been detected with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. It's a rare cancer that affects the blood. In the case of Sam Neill, the illness is at a very advanced stage.

Photo: @samneilltheprop / Instagram

Time to write a memoir

Neill wrote the book as a consequence of his illness. During the treatment, he was not able to work on set and had to look for something to do at home. The result was the memoir.

Diagnosis during promotion of 'Jurassic World'

It was in 2022, during the promotion of 'Jurassic World: Dominion,' that health professionals detected the disease in the actor's body.

Possibly dying

"The thing is, I’m c r o o k. Possibly dying. I may have to speed this up", is the phrase with which 'Did I Ever Tell You This?' opens.

Photo: samneilltheprop / Instagram

Chemo didn't work

The health of Sam Neill has improved remarkably in the year that he has been in treatment, despite the fact that the chemotherapy he received in the first instance did not work entirely.

Another treatment worked

However, the actor chose to try a new anti-cancer drug that he will have to take monthly throughout his life. As he told The Guardian, this seems to be working.

A finite medication

For the past year, the tumor has been in remission but at some point, the medication will stop working. In the meantime, Sam Neill goes to the hospital every 15 days for blood transfusions.

In remission

As he said in an interview with 'Australian Story,' his cancer is in remission and he may have some extra time to live after all.

Bad news that went viral

Obviously, fans around the world have been concerned. The news echoed and Sam Neill's phone didn't rest. That's what happens when you have to announce that you have leukemia.

Reassuring the world

For this reason, hours after he announced that he had cancer, Sam Neill sent out a video with a positive message to reassure the fans.

"Alive and kicking"

"Hi I’m Sam Neill, actor of sorts, vintner, and an author as it happens," he said on Instagram. "My news seems to be all over the news at the moment... And I’m alive and kicking and I’m going to work. I’m very happy to be going back to work."

Photo: samneilltheprop / Instagram

Back to work

The actor confirmed he'd return to work in a project with Annette Bening. He also said that, for the moment, his state of health is as good as it can be.

"I wish the headline wasn't 'that thing'"

Apart from the acting jobs, Neill recommends his memoir to everyone. "I just wish the headline wasn’t ‘that thing’ so much because the main thing is that I have written this book - it’s called ‘Did I Ever Tell You This?’" he stressed in his video.

Loneliness does weigh on him

Facing the disease with peace of mind invites the actor to be prepared for death. Divorced twice, he confesses that loneliness is the worst thing he's dealing with at the moment.

Photo: @samneilltheprop / Instagram

This is no time for love (or is it?)

"I had some very lonely times last year," he told 'Australian Story,' but he added that he prefers not to date for obvious reasons. "I'm in a very uncertain world at the moment."

Picture: samneilltheprop / Instagram -

Better memories from the past

The actor rather talks about his memoir than about his cancer. The reason is logical, because his life has many more bright moments than dark ones.

"Grateful for every day"

"I can’t pretend that the last year hasn’t had its dark moments, but those dark moments throw the light into sharp relief, you know, and have made me grateful for every day and immensely grateful for all my friends," he told The Guardian. "Just pleased to be alive.W

The book kept him going

"I never had any intention to write a book. But as I went on and kept writing, I realised it was actually sort of giving me a reason to live and I would go to bed thinking, I’ll write about that tomorrow... that will entertain me," he said.

Celebrating life is better than lamenting death

Basically, Sam Neill doesn't want people to feel sorry for him because of his cancer, but rather to be happy for the life he's had. It's an optimistic and enviable perspective on life.

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