Snoop Dogg says goodbye to 'the smoke' - a routine of 81 times per day!

The poster boy for cannabis says he’s done with weed
“After much consideration”
He doesn't seem very happy about it...
He was a really, really big fan
Rolling joints for Snoop… literally a full-time J-O-B
81 breaks a day
Smoke can be hard on the lungs
Snoop praised weed for making people chill
A sacred ritual in the Rastafari religion
Who is Snoop Dogg?
The poster boy for cannabis says he’s done with weed

In a shocking announcement, hip-hop star Snoop Dogg, 52, has said he’s “giving up smoke,” in reference to leaving behind weed.

“After much consideration”

Snoop didn’t make the decision lightly. In a statement posted to social media, he said: “After much consideration & conversation with my family, I’ve decided to give up smoke. Please respect my privacy at the time,” he said, accepting no further questions.

Image: @snoopdog/Instagram

He doesn't seem very happy about it...

In two follow-up posts, he posted selfies in which he didn't look too happy. In the first one, he again urged his fans to respect his privacy. In the second, there was no quote, just this picture...
While experts say there is no physical withdrawl when quitting weed like alcohol or other drugs, there are psychological symptoms that the American Addiction Centers say can last up to five weeks, with sleep problems being the worst.

Image: @snoopdog/Instagram

He was a really, really big fan

While the move may not be as notable for other celebrities, Snoop Dogg has openly expressed his love for the drug, and even got into the business of selling edibles, different strains, and a venture capital firm that invests in marijuana start-ups.

Rolling joints for Snoop… literally a full-time J-O-B

Yes, he seemed to be stone pretty much all the time. In 2019, he said on the Howard Stern Show that he has a professional blunt roller on staff. “That’s his J-O-B, his occupation,” Snoop Dogg said on the show. “On his resume, it says, ‘what do you do?’ ‘I’m a blunt roller.’ P-B-R, professional blunt roller.”

81 breaks a day

Having mentioned on Reddit that he stops for a whopping 81 s m o k e breaks per day, he added that his professional blunt roller had to anticipate his needs. “That mo fo’s timing is impeccable,” he told Stern. No news has emerged about the employment status of this professional roller.

Smoke can be hard on the lungs

Although marijuana is used medicinally in some cases, experts agree that s m o k i n g can be hard on the lungs. According to the American Lung Association, it can cause chronic bronchitis and injure the cell linings of large airways. And doing it 81 times a day is much more than moderate use.

Snoop praised weed for making people chill

Speaking to Netflix last year, Snoop said why he thought weed was better than alcohol. He said when people use weed “they low key chillin… you can put 1,000 m o f o s in the room that don’t like each other, put some weed in the air, they gonna be takin selfies and doing all kind of cool sh… Put four people in a room that don’t like each other and one glass of alcohol, and somebody gonna be dead.”

A sacred ritual in the Rastafari religion

In 2012, after a trip to Jamaica, Snoop announced that he was converting to the Rastafari religion. One of the most famous aspects of the religion is the ritual of s m o k i n g ganja for spiritual purposes. However, not all Rastas s m o k e the drug or use it at all.

Who is Snoop Dogg?

Snoop Dogg is a legendary American rapper whose fame dates back to 1992 when he was featured on a Dr. Dre album. In recent years, he has remained an iconic pop culture figure, appearing on reality TV shows and sharing his views and comical takes on life in the media. He has 82 million followers on Instagram.

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