Soups to fully enjoy the winter

Soups for a warm winter
Vegetable soup
Italian tomato soup
Onion soup
Leek and potato soup
Chicory soup with honey
Mushroom soup
Pesto soup
Sweet potato, leek and coconut soup
Pumpkin and garlic soup
Jerusalem artichoke soup
Creamy soup made from chestnuts, foie gras and parmesan
Bouillabaisse (fish soup)
Lamb's Lettuce Soup
Watercress soup
Potato cappuccino
Broccoli cream
Miso soup
Cream of celery soup with poached egg
Lentil soup
Joumou soup
Soups for a warm winter

To warm up and eat a healthy and balanced diet at the same time, nothing beats a good homemade soup. Here, you will find many delicious soups to really enjoy this winter.

Vegetable soup

This one is very well known, but everyone makes it differently: vegetable soup. Simply prepare a nice vegetable broth with your favorite vegetables. We recommend carrots, celery, turnips, parsley, and, to taste, pasta and small meatballs.

Italian tomato soup

Nobody can resist a nice tomato soup with onions, oregano, and fresh bread. We recommend a few roasted chickpeas as an extra topping.

Onion soup

A classic that needs no introduction. This delicious recipe is very simple: along with the onions, a little thyme and bay leaves are enough to give it its flavor. If you like, you can add bread and grated cheese.

Leek and potato soup

Another classic that everyone can reinterpret in their own way by adding carrots, bacon, or a little cheese. A warm, healthy, and pleasant winter is guaranteed!

Chicory soup with honey

Yes, you read that right: the chicory and honey combine the bittersweetness of this vegetable with the sweet and slightly spicy note of honey in an original way. The secret to making this soup even better is to add some herbs, with chervil being particularly recommended.

Mushroom soup

This is a must for long and cold winters, popular in Europe and North America alike. The preparation is very simple: all you need is a mixture of flour and fat, added to milk or cream, and of course the famous mushrooms!

Pesto soup

Do you like basil? That's great, because pesto not only tastes good with a good pasta dish but also as a soup, as long as you have pine nuts in your kitchen. Cheeses such as Grana Padano go best with this vegetable-rich broth.

Sweet potato, leek and coconut soup

The ingredients of this soup are the key to a creamy blend that combines a touch of the exotic with the traditional and the timeless taste of leeks.


Borscht is of Russian origin and gets its purple color from one of its main ingredients, beetroot. The recipe is very rich in vegetables (carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic, tomatoes), but we should not forget dill. If you want, you can also add meat; most often beef or pork. A true delight!

Pumpkin and garlic soup

This soup is easy to prepare if you're not afraid to cut and peel two kilos (4.4 LB) of pumpkin. You will also need about ten cloves of garlic that have been cooked in their skins. The pumpkin and peeled garlic are then mixed with the boiled milk. Enjoy your meal!

Jerusalem artichoke soup

Jerusalem artichoke is back in fashion! Prepare this soup by sautéing 400g (14 oz) of these vegetables with garlic and shallots. You can also add small pieces of bacon or pumpkin seeds for a 100% vegan recipe.

Creamy soup made from chestnuts, foie gras and parmesan

You obviously have to have a slightly higher budget for this than for vegetable soup, but the result is definitely worth it. How's the recipe? Chestnuts cooked in chicken broth, diced foie gras sautéed for 10 seconds on each side and Parmesan shavings added after the soup is prepared. Unforgettable.

Bouillabaisse (fish soup)

The great classic of gastronomy in Marseille, France! For those who don't know, it's a soup made with rock fish (red mullet, conger eel, sea bream...) cooked in a broth and flavored with garlic, saffron, or olive oil. Enjoy it with toasted bread.

Lamb's Lettuce Soup

The diced potatoes and lamb's lettuce must be simmered in water before being blended. To enhance the taste, add some raw lamb lettuce to the soup after it has been prepared.

Watercress soup

An old-fashioned but still delicious soup. Cut the cress into stalks and chop the leaves before adding them to the broth, which should also contain celery. You can save some cress leaves for decoration.

Potato cappuccino

This is an amazing name for a relatively simple recipe: Boil diced potatoes, mash them, and whisk in the milk until creamy.

Broccoli cream

This light soup is particularly healthy. All you need is broccoli, boiled in water, and onion. To make the recipe crunchy, you can save some broccoli pieces and sprinkle them into the soup, together with chopped hazelnuts.

Miso soup

Miso soup is a combination of the benefits of soup and the delights of Japanese cuisine. The basic preparation consists of a broth and miso (fermented soybean paste), but there are many variations, for example with rice, cabbage, mushrooms, tofu, or chicken.

Cream of celery soup with poached egg

Mix the celery with the cream, poach the eggs and remove the whites if necessary, then add a few more celery leaves to the plate, and get ready to enjoy!

Lentil soup

Nothing comes easier than this healthy recipe. All you need are two cups of lentils simmered in a saucepan and then mashed with a blender, a few onions, and parsley. It's an ideal way to rediscover this vegetable.

Joumou soup

Joumou soup is a classic of Haitian cuisine. It is prepared by slicing Giromons (a kind of pumpkin) and simmering it with plantains, potatoes, beef, and various vegetables, without forgetting to season it well. If you can get together all the ingredients, this soup is worth discovering!

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