The 10 best-sold cars ever. Have you owned one of them?

The best-sold cars in history: a Top 10
#10: Chevrolet Impala (1959), 14 million cars
#9: Volkswagen Passat (1973), 15.5 million cars
#8: Ford-T (1916), 16.5 million cars
#7: Honda Accord (1976), 17.5 million cars
#6: Honda Civic (1972), 18.5 million cars
#5: Ford Escort (1968), 20 million cars
#4: Volkswagen Beetle (1938), 23.5 million cars
#3: Volkswagen Golf (1974), 27.5 million cars
#2: Ford F-Series (1948), 35 million cars
#1: Toyota Corolla (1966), 37.5 million cars
The best-sold cars in history: a Top 10

Some cars are iconic because so many people owned them. The Chevrolet Impala is one of these cars. Even though it was never for sale in Europe, everyone knows this model. Cinema has a lot to do with it.

#10: Chevrolet Impala (1959), 14 million cars

Presented in 1959 in the United States, the Impala is Chevrolet's flagship model. Its manufacture ended with the 60th anniversary of its market launch.

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#9: Volkswagen Passat (1973), 15.5 million cars

This elegant sedan was put on sale in 1973. If you compare this Volkswagen Passat with the current version of that model, they have little in common. And that's understandable: there are eight generations between the two. The Passat is one of the top models for the German manufacturer.

#8: Ford-T (1916), 16.5 million cars

This is the first mass-produced car in history. It had enormous sales numbers thanks to a very competitive price: more than 50% cheaper than the others. However, for such a price, there was only one choice of color: black.

#7: Honda Accord (1976), 17.5 million cars

Nine generations have passed since the Honda Accord was introduced in 1976. The XL version of the Honda Civic was not marketed in Europe, but in the United States and Japan it remains a top seller.

#6: Honda Civic (1972), 18.5 million cars

Ten generations have formed a model that many people consider highly modern. When the Honda Civic arrived on the market in 1972, it was a huge success in Japan and the United States. To critics and buyers, its ninth generation is a true work of art.

#5: Ford Escort (1968), 20 million cars

Its production stopped in 2000. Yet, many people remember one of the American manufacturer's flagship models. The Ford Escort arrived on the market in 1968 with the promise of being a robust, powerful car associated with the world of rallying. Its sales exploded. In the new century, Ford decided to replace it with another sales hit: the Ford Focus.

#4: Volkswagen Beetle (1938), 23.5 million cars

The Volkswagen Beetle is getting close to its centenary. This car nicknamed "ladybird" was born in 1938. It is an economical car, simple to drive and very reliable. Its production stopped in 2003, then resumed in 2012 with the New Beetle, which also set a sales record.

#3: Volkswagen Golf (1974), 27.5 million cars

The original Volkswagen Golf was launched by the German manufacturer in 1974. Since then, it has become not only Volkswagen's best-selling model, but also the symbol of the brand. A total of 31 million cars have been sold. The current model has little in common with its earlier generations.

#2: Ford F-Series (1948), 35 million cars

The most famous pickup truck in history has had great publicity from Hollywood. The Ford T-Series is a symbol in the United States, where it has been around for 12 generations and continues to surpass its competitors. The Ford F-150, in particular, is the best-selling model of the Ford F-Series.

#1: Toyota Corolla (1966), 37.5 million cars

And finally, here is the best-selling car in history. See how much it differs from the rest! It's the Toyota Corolla. This Japanese model appeared on the market in 1966 and since then it appeared for 12 generations. Toyota briefly changed its name in Europe, calling it Auris there, but it was only temporary. Now the Toyota Corolla has recovered its original name again.

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