The most visited historic buildings in the world

The world's most visited monumental buildings
Nôtre-Dame, Paris (France)
Nôtre-Dame, Paris (France)
Great Wall of China (China)
Great Wall of China (China)
Sydney Opera House (Australia)
Sydney Opera House (Australia)
Eiffel Tower, Paris (France)
Eiffel Tower, Paris (France)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC (United States)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC (United States)
Colosseum, Rome (Italy)
Colosseum, Rome (Italy)
Statue of Liberty, New York City (United States)
Statue of Liberty, New York City (United States)
Alhambra, Granada (Spain)
Alhambra, Granada (Spain)
Pyramids, Cairo (Egypt)
Pyramids, Cairo (Egypt)
Taj Mahal, Agra (India)
Taj Mahal, Agra (India)
The world's most visited monumental buildings

Which monumental buildings are visited most in the world? This list is based on the data of tourism agencies and the monuments' administrations themselves, before the global pandemic of 2020-21.

Nôtre-Dame, Paris (France)

Number 1 is the Cathedral of Nôtre-Dame in Paris. It received more than 12 million people every year, until the fire of April 2019 interrupted its stream of visitors.

Nôtre-Dame, Paris (France)

According to official data obtained before the fire, the Nôtre-Dame of Paris is the most visited historic building in the world. In addition, it is one of the greatest and oldest exponents of the French Gothic style. It was finished in 1345 and never lost an inch of its architectural beauty and mystery over the centuries.

Great Wall of China (China)

This is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, a World Heritage Site and (as they say) one of the few monuments that can be seen from outer space. The Great Wall of China receives 9 million visitors a year.

Great Wall of China (China)

The Great Wall of China is 21,196 kilometres long and took 20 centuries to build. It's an unmistakable example of Asian culture and perhaps also the biggest cemetery in the world. An estimated 10 million workers or more died during the building of the wall, and they were buried near the construction site.

Sydney Opera House (Australia)

The Opera House in Sydney receives 7.5 million visitors every year. Its construction began in 1957 and ended in 1973. The architectural monument cost 102 million dollars and 10,000 workers helped build it.

Sydney Opera House (Australia)

The Sydney Opera House is a World Heritage Site and a 20th century architectural landmark. Throughout the years more than 3,000 events have been held in this space - from opera to theatre, concerts, and film screenings.

Eiffel Tower, Paris (France)

With 6.7 million people a year, the Eiffel Tower is the fourth most visited monument in the world. It's an icon commemorating the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution.

Eiffel Tower, Paris (France)

Designed and built by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 Universal Exhibition in Paris, it has since become a French benchmark.

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC (United States)

The Lincoln Memorial in the Washington Mall is a tribute not only to President Abraham Lincoln but to freedom in general. This monument welcomes 6 million people every year.

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC (United States)

The architect of the memorial was Henry Bacon, while Daniel Chester designed Lincoln's impressive statue. Next to his image, the president's important Gettysburg speech can be read in stone.

Colosseum, Rome (Italy)

Declared a World Heritage Site in 1980 and one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the Roman Colosseum receives 5.1 million visitors each year.

Colosseum, Rome (Italy)

An estimated 400,000 people and a million animals died in the original colosseum. For this reason, every time a person anywhere in the world has their death sentence commuted, the Roman Colosseum is lit for 48 hours.

Statue of Liberty, New York City (United States)

Built in 1886, this is one of the most emblematic historic monuments. The statue's original name is 'Liberty Enlightening the World.' It's visited by 4.3 million people every year.

Statue of Liberty, New York City (United States)

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States in celebration of the centennial of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Designed by Frédèric Bartholdi, its internal structure was made by Gustave Eiffel. They say the torch is covered in gold, but the public cannot access it.

Alhambra, Granada (Spain)

The Alhambra in Granada receives 3.5 million people every year. It's a Nasrid fortress and palace whose courtyards and gardens have been considered a benchmark of beauty and elegance throughout the world.

Alhambra, Granada (Spain)

The Alhambra has been declared a World Heritage Site. It consists of a defensive flank (or Alcazaba), the Nasrid Palaces, and the Generalife Gardens. The most curious and magical artefact is its solar clock, which allows you to read the time from the shadows that fall on the rooms.

Pyramids, Cairo (Egypt)

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the original Seven Wonders of the World. It is also the only original Wonder still standing. The pharaoh Cheops of the fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt ordered its construction. The monument was completed in 2570 B.C. and today it receives 3 million visits a year.

Pyramids, Cairo (Egypt)

The magic and mystery surrounding the pyramids is a major attraction. One of their greatest spectacles occurs in winter, when the three pyramids line up with Orion's belt.

Taj Mahal, Agra (India)

This imposing set of buildings was erected by the Muslim emperor Shah Jahan of the Mughal dynasty. He had it built in honor of Arjumand Banu Begum, his favourite wife, who died during the birth of her 14th child. The Taj Mahal receives more than 2.5 million tourists a year.

Taj Mahal, Agra (India)

This tribute to love, built with white marble, required 20,000 workers and a thousand elephants to arise. Its colour changes with the light of the day. The genius responsible for this monument was court architect Ustad Ahmad Lahori.